El próximo viernes 19 de noviembre a las 12:30h (Madrid CET) se llevará a cabo vía online el seminario «Dealing with nitrogen issues in agriculture; from Holland to the globe and back», el cual será impartido por el investigador Hans van Grinsven (Program Manager/Senior Researcher at the Department of Water, Agriculture and Food at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency).

A continuación, un breve resumen del contenido del seminario:

After a brief introduction of my institute, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, I will present some characteristics of the Dutch agricultural sector (after the US the 2nd largest exporter in the world) as part of the European Union and the environmental consequences of the large and intensive Dutch agro sector. I will show some results of comparisons of the eco-efficiency of national agricultural sectors in Europe and between the EU. Next, I will show some results from the cost-benefit analysis of nitrogen use and losses, as these were produced in the (first) European Nitrogen Assessment (2007-2011) and in the ongoing UNEP project INMS (Towards a first Global Nitrogen Assessment; 2017-2021) and recent papers on the global mortality cost of ammonia emissions and the long-term yield benefits of N use and cost of N losses in cereals. Although quantifying societal costs of nitrogen pollution in agriculture is challenging and contested, comparing results with the obvious benefits of nitrogen use for crop and food production, point at important implications for optimal intensity (e.g. N fertilizer rate) and optimal spatial outlay of agriculture, at all scales.


Hans van Grinsven is born and based in the Netherlands. He holds a MSc in Soil Science (1982) and PhD (1988; Thesis – Impact of acid atmospheric deposition on soils) from Wageningen University. From 1988 to 2002 he worked in the Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Research at the National Institute of Public Health and Environment as Senior Soil Chemist, Head of Section Modelling and, finally, Deputy head. Since 2002 Hans is Program Manager/Senior Researcher at the Department of Water, Agriculture and Food at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. He was a coordinator/lead author for the ESF project European Nitrogen Assessment and currently for the UNEP project INMS. Recent and current research interests are agriculture and environment, external costs of nitrogen pollution, sustainable agriculture, nutrient use and losses in agriculture and impacts of nitrate and ammonia on human health.

Inscripciones a través del siguiente enlace: «Dealing with nitrogen issues in agriculture; from Holland to the globe and back»

Importante: se enviará un correo a las personas inscritas antes del 19 de noviembre, indicando el enlace a la plataforma virtual.

El seminario será impartido en inglés.