El próximo viernes 18 de noviembre se llevará a cabo de forma presencial y online el seminario CEIGRAM «Geophysical Roots Observation for Water saving», impartido por Benjamin Mary, investigador Marie S. Curie (University of Berkeley / Universidad de Padua).

Este seminario será impartido en inglés.

Sobre el ponente:

Benjamin Mary is a French geophysicist applied to environmental purposes. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua and an affiliated researcher at the Berkeley Lab. He was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) fellowship in 2018 for the project GROWING dealing with the use of minimally invasive methods for roots monitoring, with the specific aim of improving water use in arboriculture, viticulture, and general agronomy. His research interest focus on combining with an interdisciplinary approach, geophysical, plant, and atmospheric data to understand plant root system functioning. He develops and promotes open-source tools for reproducible science in agrogeophysic.

A continuación, un breve resumen de lo que será el seminario:

The geophysical toolbox applied to the root zone: Methods, Implications and Outlook

Opening the black box and understanding roots is certainly a key to improving the understanding of processes and interactions governing the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum of agricultural ecosystems. In the last few years, geophysics has been conquering new territories with the rise of a new discipline called agrogeophysic*. Particularly, geophysics to characterize root properties and processes is a growing interdisciplinary research topic.

During the seminar, Benjamin Mary will showcase how geophysical imaging as a non-destructive tool allows us to infer subsurface properties spatially and temporally opening up extensive options to tackle inherent heterogeneity and complex dynamics of soil and cropping systems.

*Garré, S., D. Hyndman, B. Mary, and U. Werban. 2021. Geophysics conquering new territories: The rise of “agrogeophysics.” Vadose zone j. 20(4). doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20115.

Inscripciones a través del siguiente enlace: «Geophysical Roots Observation for Water saving»

Fecha: 18/11/2022 Hora: 12:30 Lugar: CEIGRAM/Online