Work with CEIGRAM
Investigador AGROSCENA NEXT-PID2023-152562OB-I00.

Consulting and transfer

Fertilization and Sustainability

The search for more efficient and sustainable fertilizers remains a key challenge for the agricultural industry. One technological strategy invovles combining nitrogen sources with nitrification inhibitors, offering added value when derived from natural origins. Another challenge for the sector is the development of new fertilizers with efficient micronutrients that are effective for crops while remaining environmentally stable, preventing losses through leaching or rapid degradation. In the case of nanofertilizers, their high nanopartical surface area may represent a greater potential for their phytoavailability. However, it is important to rule out their potential phytotoxicity. On the other hand, integrated studies of agricultural systems that consider soil tillage managament, the selection of species and cultivars in crop rotations, and the inclusion of cover crops- serve as powerful tools for achieving more economically and environmentally efficient agircultural systems.

CEIGRAM provides various avenues for collaboration with companies, researchers and stakeholders from the sector to support the transition to a more productive and sustainable agriculture.

Scientific and Technological Services

Development of sustainable fertilizers

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

The research group has 15 researchers, a laboratory technician and a project manager and is led by Antonio Vallejo García. In the last 3 years, the group has participated in 2 international projects, 7 projects with companies in the fertilizer sector and managed 2 national projects generating economic resources of around 0.6 M€.

Antonio Vallejo, with 107 publications, has an H-Index of 41. The group as a whole has 77 papers and ranks 34th out of 194 groups in the UPM.

Lines of work

  • Determination of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils
  • Volatilization of ammonia from agricultural and livestock systems
  • Agricultural use of organic waste
  • Optimization of fertilizer management (inorganic and organic)

Principal researcher

  • Vallejo, Antonio

    Full Professor

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UPM Impact Hub

Remote sensing and cover crops to enhance nitrogen use efifciency in herbaceous crops

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

The Agricultural Systems Group (AgSystems) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is made up of 13 researchers and is led by Miguel Quemada, who has participated in 5 international projects in the last 3 years. (SolACE, Towards INMS, Climate-KIC, MACSUR2, DIVERSify), 8 projects with companies in the fertiliser, seeds, horticulture and agricultural insurance sectors; and led 2 national projects. Miguel Quemada has published 38 high impact articles since 2013 and the group is ranked 31st out of 204 groups in the UfM.

Lines of work

  • Water and nitrogen management in agricultural systems
  • Crop and farming systems modelling
  • Uncertainties associated with projections of the impact of change in farming systems. Adaptations

Principal researcher

  • Quemada Saenz-Badillos, Miguel

    Full Professor

More information

UPM Impact Hub

Evaluation of metalic nanoparticles as fertilizers for zinc micronutrient supply

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

Published research articles (JCR): 5 (Q1) + 1 (Q2). Book chapters: 1. Communications presented at international conferences: 9 Transfer articles: 1 (Technical journal) Informative articles on the web: 1 Public funding received by the working group: 158,000 euros.

Lines of work

  • Agronomic efficacy for crops sensitive to zinc deficiency
  • Behaviour and mobility in soil of Zn applied as NPs
  • Effects on terrestrial organisms: micro-organisms (functionality and diversity) and earthworms
  • Toxicity to aquatic organisms. Toxicity markers based on biochemical alterations.

Principal researcher

  • Obrador, Ana

    Associate Professor

More information

UPM Impact Hub

Comprehensive study of agricultural systems for greater economic and environmental sustainability

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

J.L. Gabriel is a Senior Scientist at INIA, with 24 JCR publications and an h-index of 11. Since 2016 he has participated in 6 publicly funded projects for a total value of close to 2 million € (being PI in 2 of them) and in 5 contracts with companies for 70.000 € (being PI in 2 others).

Lines of work

  • Water and nutrient use efficiency and soil management
  • Reduction of nitrate leaching and other nutrient losses
  • Ground-based and remote sensing for decision making
  • Modelling of agricultural systems in current and future climates

Principal researcher

  • Gabriel, José Luis

    Associate Researcher (CSIC - INIA)

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UPM Impact Hub

Completed Projects