Alcantud Izquierdo, Miguel
Trainee ResearcherEmail:m.alcantud@alumnos.upm.esAlcantud Izquierdo, Miguel
Trainee ResearcherCollaboration Grant focused on the Search for Sustainability indicators of the agrifood sector in Spain and the European Union and their evolution.
- Department:Agricultural Economics, Statistics and Business Management
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Sustainability indicators for the agri-food sector in Spain and the European Union and their evolution.
Almeida Ñauñay, Andrés Felipe
Assitant ProfessorAlmeida Ñauñay, Andrés Felipe
Assitant ProfessorGraduated in Agricultural and Agroenvironmental Engineering. He holds a PhD in Complex Systems from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He has developed his professional career in the field of remote sensing applied to agriculture.
He has applied his expertise in various areas, including monitoring bird populations in agricultural environments and estimating water stress in hedgegrow olive groves. Currently, his work focuses on the analysis analyzing time series of vegetation indices in Mediterranean pastures.
- Department:Applied Mathematics
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Remote sensing, vegetation indices, time series.
Almendros García, Patricia
Associate ProfessorContact:910671102Email:p.almendros@upm.esAlmendros García, Patricia
Associate ProfessorPhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2013) with research experience in agro-environmental chemistry, soil science, and agricultural chemistry.Her research spans various topics, participating in multiple interdisciplinary projects with collaborators from both Spanish and international institutions.She has contributed to research projects on:
Soil chemistry and heavy metals: Examining the effects of metals such as Zn and Cu on agricultural ecosystems by analyzing their bioavailability, mobility, leaching, residual effects, and relative efficacy of various compounds, including chelates, organic complexes, synthetic compounds, and nanoparticles.
Combined Zn-N fertilization: Investigating strategies to enhance crop yield and quality while optimizing nitrogen use.Nanoparticles and advanced materials: Conducting agro-environmental assessments of innovative technologies such as nanoparticles and silica aerogels for controlled micronutrient release, aimed at improving nutrient delivery and reducing the environmental impacts of conventional fertilizers.Advanced recycling technologies: Evaluating the agro-environmental impact of applying extracts obtained from mining and electronic waste in soil-water-plant-atmosphere systems, promoting circular economy strategies.She has also collaborated on other interdisciplinary projects exploring the role of cover crops in reducing nitrate leaching, improving nutrient use efficiency and soil quality, as well as the absorption and toxicity of metals from metal mixtures in both aquatic and terrestrial systems.- Department:Food Chemistry and Technology
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Soil contamination, nutrients in agricultural soils, nanotechnology, nanoparticles, waste valorisation, agricultural applications of waste, heavy metal recovery, ecotoxicological assessment, agro-environmental impact, speciation, soil analysis, soil chemistry, plant nutrition.
Aragón Pizarro, Marcos
Research AssistantContact:686265253Email:m.aragonpizarro@gmail.comAragón Pizarro, Marcos
Research AssistantGraduate in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). With a specialization in the analysis of ecosystem services, acquired through a master’s degree in Ecology at the same university where he began his undergraduate studies. His training as an ecologist and professional experience are oriented to the study of socio-ecological systems from an integrative perspective, addressing the interaction between natural ecosystems and human activities in a context of global change.
He is currently working on a project focused on pastures in the Region of Madrid, where he is analyzing biomass under climate change scenarios and its impact on extensive livestock farming. His approach combines GIS tools, climate modeling, soil analysis and field work to generate useful knowledge for the long-term sustainability and resilience of these systems.
- Department:Applied Mathematics
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Ecosystem services, socio-ecological systems, agroecology, climate change, regional climate models
Arbonès Domingo, Gabriel
PhD StudentArbonès Domingo, Gabriel
PhD StudentDouble degree in Business Management and Finance with a Master in Bioeconomy (Universität Hohenheim, Germany).
He has worked as an environmental consultant in Latin America and on research projects in Germany and Spain focused on agriculture and climate change.
He is currently pursuing a PhD in Water Resource Management at the Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation.
- Department:Agricultural Economics, Statistics and Business Management
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Research areas:Bioeconomy, agricultural economics, water resource management, water footprint, irrigation techniques, water quality.
Arce Martínez, Augusto
Associate ProfessorContact:910671105Email:augusto.arce@upm.esArce Martínez, Augusto
Associate ProfessorHe has participated in 19 R&D projects financed in public calls, including two European projects and 6 industry collaborations, serving as principal investigator in four of them. As a result of these research works he has participated in the publication of 45 publications in books and national and international journals (25 indexed in the SCI, with 10 in Q1). Notable publications include the following:
- Biological Wastes, Biomass, Environmental Technology Letters, Bioresource Technology, Agricolture Mediterranea, plant and soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystem, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Scientia Agricola, Scientia horticulturae, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Water Management, European Journal of Soil Science, Biosystems Engineering.
- He has co-authored three books: Los residuos y sus riesgos para la salud. Naturación Urbana: Cubiertas ecológicas y mejora ambiental. Iniciación a la Ingeniería Agronómica.
Member of COST Action “Drylands facing change: interdisciplinary research on climate change, food insecurity, political instability” 2016.
Secretary of the UPM’s Own Master’s Program: Integrated Water Cycle: Resource Planning, Quality and Treatments.
Director the Fertiberia Chair of Agroenvironmental Studies.
- Department:Chemistry and Food Technology
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Fertilisation with organic waste, denitrification, reactive gas emissions, greenhouse gases, nitrogen balance, leaching, aquifer contamination.
Arencibia Pérez, Nuria
Researcher in trainingEmail:nuria.arencibiap@upm.esArencibia Pérez, Nuria
Researcher in trainingGraduate in Food Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
She has done her internship at Precision Planting®, a reference in agricultural innovation, where she has been able to develop a comparative study between conventional seeders and those updated with sensors. Currently, she is finalizing her TFM on a Technical study of single-grain planter upgrades with precision agriculture for Zea Mays L. planting.
- Department:Department of Agricultural Production-Phytotechnics.
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Application of sensors to improve the sustainability of cropping systems.
Arfa, Imen
Trainee ResearcherEmail:imen.arfa@upm.esArfa, Imen
Trainee ResearcherPhD student (TAPAS) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, holding a Degree in Agro-economic Engineering from the National Agronomic Insitute of Tunisia (INAT), and an International Master’s in Agrofood Marketing from the Mediterannean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ/CIHEAM).
She has participated in two European H2020 projects, SIM4NEXUS and GoNEXUS, focused on analyzing the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus and circular bioeconomy.
My goal is to drive the transition towards sustainability by rebalancing water, good and energy ecosystems to maximize the planet’s environmental security through research.
- Department:Agricultural Economics, Statistics and Business Management.
- Research Group:
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronomía, Alimentaria y Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Research areas:Circular bioeconomy, agricultural policy evaluation, energy-water-food-ecosystem nexus.
Canelles Quaroni, Carlos
Communications ManagerCanelles Quaroni, Carlos
Communications ManagerGraduate in Sociologý with a particular interest in social action. Complementary postgraduate education in agroecology, food sovereignty, diversity (both social and environmental) and Human Rights.
With a professional path focused on awareness communication, I have worked in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and given lectures on climate action, gender, and Human Rights. With experience in online content management, I promote agrobiodiversity, short food supply chains, and territorialized food systems.
Communication Manager for CEIGRAM since October 2023.
- Department:CEIGRAM.
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB).
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Research areas:Agrobiodiversity, Food Systems, Organic Agriculture.
Kucerova, Katerina
Management and administrationKucerova, Katerina
Management and administrationGraduate in Business Administration and Management (UNED), with a Master’s Degree in Project Management (Universidad Europea).
Since 2008, CEIGRAM-UPM, Assistant Secretary to the CEIGRAM Administrator.
Since 2022, CEIGRAM-UPM, R&D Manager Technician, developing, among others, the following tasks:
- Management of the Research Center’s budget;
- Preparation of budget justification reports and activity reports;
- Hiring of personnel and processing of scholarships;
- Project management;
- Organization and management of congresses, courses, seminars, conferences and other national and international events;
- Preparation of annual research reports for the UPM Quality Plan of CEIGRAM and different research groups associated with CEIGRAM;
- Logistical support to CEIGRAM researchers.
- Logistical support and web feed.
February 2009 – June 2022: Secretaría técnica del Consejo Editor. Asociación Española de Economía Agraria (act. Asociación Española de Economía Agroalimentaria, AEEA. Madrid, España.
Gestión de la revista Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, desarrollando, entre otras, tareas:
- Gestión de los manuscritos enviados a la revista;
- Gestión semestral de la publicación;
- Mantenimiento de la plataforma RECYT (Repositorio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología);
- Plataforma PoliPapers (Gestión Editorial OJS (Open Journal Systems);
- Mantenimiento y puesta a punto de las redes sociales.
- Department:Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM).
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB).
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Research areas:Economic-administrative management.
Luque Merelo, Esperanza
Administrator and Project Manager of CEGRAMContact:910671373Email:esperanza.luque@upm.esLuque Merelo, Esperanza
Administrator and Project Manager of CEGRAMAgronomist Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1989). She joined the UPM in 2007 to support the creation and launch of CEIGRAM-UPM. Since then, she has been responsible for managing the research projects and training activities developed by CEIGRAM.
She has managed over 220 projects under the 6th, 7th Framework Programmes, and H2020 Research, as well as other European and international programmes. She has been in charge of direct management and providing support to researchers.
In 2012, she was appointed Administrator of CEIGRAM-UPM.
Previously, she worked in several engineering companies on water and environmental projects.
- Department:Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM).
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB).
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Research areas:Promotion and economic-administrative management of national and international R&D&I projects; engagement with public and private funders, coordination of training and communication activities; staff recruitment.
Muñoz Moreno, Blanca
Project ManagerMuñoz Moreno, Blanca
Project ManagerAgricultural Technical Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (1997).
R&D Project Manager since 1998: During the first eight years in private consulting companies (Mergo Asesores and IDETRA Consultora), 3 years in the Accreditation Agency for Research, Development and Technological Innovation Projects, belonging to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Catalonia, and 13 years between the European Projects Office and the LPF-TAGRALIA Research Group of the ETSIAAB of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Since 2022, I have been supporting the economic and administrative management of R&D+i projects at CEIGRAM-UPM.
She developed tasks of economic and administrative management of R&D requests, projects and justifications, Participation in the organization of events, Database Management: Economic and Publications, and Management of intern and hired staff contracts.
- Department:Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM).
- School / Faculty:Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB).
- Agency:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Research areas:Economic-administrative management.
Management and Comunmunication
Chavarro Díaz, Jorge Iván
1/07/2024 a 30/06/2025Contact:627480662Email:Jorge.chavarro@cenigaa.orgChavarro Díaz, Jorge Iván
VisitorGraduate in Agricultural Engineering with a Master’s Degree in Hydrosystems Research and Junior Researcher (IJ) category from MINCIENCIAS-Colombia. Science, Technology and Innovation Manager and coordinator of the Regional Environmental Modeling Node (NRMA) and teacher of the Specialization in Hydroinformatics and the Diploma in Agroenvironmental Modeling. My professional experience has been developed in precision agriculture, adaptation of agriculture to climate change and extreme climate variability, environmental-computational fluid mechanics and modeling guided by biophysics and/or data in the development of AgroTech solutions. My R&D activities focus on scientific computing as a technological tool of major value in the generation of knowledge around the fundamental role of water in the Energy-Agriculture-Environment Nexus for sustainable development. “Water is the beginning of all things.” (Thales of Miletus).
- Agency of origin:CENIGAA – Centro de Investigación en Ciencias y Recursos GeoAgroAmbientales.
- Country of origin:Colombia
- CEIGRAM partner:Ana Tarquis.
- Research areas:Precision agriculture, hydrosystems, environmental modeling, ML&AI, AgroTech.
Nunes, Nelma Fernando
18/11/2024- 31/07/2025Email:Nelma.fernando.nunes@alunmos.upm.esNunes, Nelma Fernando
VisitorI have a degree in environmental engineering for natural resources. In Mozambique, I worked as a research intern at the Agricultual Research Institute of Mozambique in the area of water and soils. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s in Agro-Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in the UPM with a scholarship/grant from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (MAEC-AECID). My work focuses on understanding the dependence on nitrogen fertilization in production systems that integrate nutrient recycling at different scales. I am working with Professor Miguel Quemada.
- Agency of origin:Instituto de Investigação Agraria de Moçambique
- Country of origin:Mozambique
- CEIGRAM partner:Miguel Quemada
- Research areas:Nitrogen use efficiency, nutrient recycling, fertilizer dependence, sustainable agriculture.
Piqueras Dernier, Flavia
13/01/2025 - 17/05/2025Email:flavia.pqieuras.dernier@alumnos.upm.esPiqueras Dernier, Flavia
VisitorThe stay at CEIGRAM, under the supervision of Dr. Bárbara Soriano, is focused on the Master’s Thesis (TFM), which aims to assess the impact of the post-2020 CAP on the resilience of small ruminant farming systems in Spain. It will focus on the autonomous communities of Aragon, Basque Country, Andalusia and Extremadura.
In this context, participatory workshops will be organised with farmers, livestock farmers and other stakeholders to explore how CAP policies affect their capacity to cope with the challenges. Questions such as: How do these policies impact on the resilience of the systems, what changes do they consider necessary to improve their sustainability? Using tools such as ResAT and Delphi, the answers will be analysed and practical recommendations will be generated that will contribute to strengthening the resilience and sustainability of these systems in the future.
- Agency of origin:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Country of origin:Spain
- CEIGRAM partner:Bárbara Soriano
- Research areas:Strengthening the resilience of local small ruminant breed breeding systems: from covid-19 to global change (RUMIRES).
Sánchez Piñero, Marta
07/01/2025- 08/04/2025Email:msanchez20@us.esSánchez Piñero, Marta
VisitorPostdoctoral stay of 3 months that will allow me to participate in research activities focused on sustainable management strategies, especially in the framework of water relations. In addition to developing activities such as:
- Use of advanced measurement techniques, including gas exchange using infrared analyzers and chlorophyll fluorescence.
- Analysis of previous team data on water relations and fruit development.
- Evaluation of physiological and ecophysiological responses of olive and pistachio to water deficit and temperature extremes.
- Participation in experiments related to floral quality and reproductive success in olive under different water management.
On the other hand, I will participate in regular scientific meetings of the group, collaborate in the writing of scientific papers and presentations for international congresses, develop practical recommendations for farmers and policies for sustainable water management in olive and pistachio and even collaborate with researchers from different related areas.
- Agency of origin:Universidad de Sevilla
- Country of origin:Spain
- CEIGRAM partner:David Pérez López
- Research areas:Controlled deficit irrigation, water relations, pit hardening, fruit size, stem water potential
Schäler, Michael
01/11/2024 – 31/03/2025Schäler, Michael
VisitorI have a degree in Biology from Humboldt University(Berlín) with an interest in gaining practical experience. During my studies, I discovered my fascination with agricultural sciences and now I look forward to deepening my knowledge in this field. At CEIGRAM, I will work on topics such as agrivoltaics, thermal stress, and water management. I want to learn new techniques and methods that I can apply directly. In the AgSystems group, I will work on these topics alongside Esther Hernández Montes on various projects.
- Agency of origin:Humboldt-University de Berlin
- Country of origin:Germany
- CEIGRAM partner:Esther Hernández-Montes
- Research areas:plant ecophysiology, water relations, abiotic stress, management techniques under conditions of climate change.