Biophysical Risks and Sustainability
Research Groups

Agricultural activity depends largely on environmental conditions and the sustainable management of resources. The sustainable intensification of agricultural systems includes optimized management of the soil and its nutrients, water, and biotic competition for resources (pests, diseases, weeds). It also includes a better integration of the plant and animal productive subsystems. All of this must be carried out in a context of 1) the design of adaptation to climate variability and change and the management of associated uncertainties; 2) greenhouse gas mitigation; 3) the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.
Research Groups
Agricultural Systems Group (Agsystems)
Agroenergy Group (GA-UPM)
Contamination of Agrosystems by Agricultural Practices (COAPA)
Sustainable Plant Production and Protection Systems
Viticulture Research Group
Research Projects
Resilient Agricultural IrrigatioN systems for water Scarcity in Europe (RAINS)
InternationalODS 6, ODS9, ODS12Estudio de posibles afecciones al olivo singular del Paseo de Alfonso XII por las obras de prolongación del túnel de Elduayen, Vigo
Desarrollo de inhibidores de la nitrificación de origen biológico para su uso en fertilización
With companiesEvaluando la demanda de AGUA para uso AGRario para la ADAptación al cambio climático a nivel de subcuenca
NationalManejo de residuos de cosecha y agua para reducir emisiones de n en cultivos de zonas semiáridas (CREWGAS)