Research and innovation
At the Centre for Research and Studies in Agricultural and Environmental Risk Management (CEIGRAM), our work is organized into four key thematic areas, allowing us to address challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective: The Research Groups within our centre comprise a diverse team that includes Teaching and Research Staff (TRS), as well as pre- and post- doctoral researchers and trainees.
These groups collaborate on national and international projects alongside research institutions and companies, generating high-impact scientific and technological outcomes. Their structure fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and drives progress in agricultural and environmental risk management.

The researchers at CEIGRAM work across various lines of inquiry, which we can organize into four main Research Areas. The different Research Groups (RG) that form the backbone of the centre work on topics within one or more of these research areas, fostering collaboration among researchers though multidisciplinary projects.
CEIGRAM is composed of researchers from 13 Research Groups, each contributing fully or partially to the center’s activities. These groups represent the diversity and multidisciplinary nature that define CEIGRAM.
The Research Groups consist of Teaching and Research Staff,.as well a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers and trainees. The Research Groups serve as the cornerstone for the development of national and international Projects, as well as collaborations with companies.
Agricultural Economics and Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Systems Group (Agsystems)
Agroenergy Group (GA-UPM)
Complex Systems Group (GSC)
Contamination of Agrosystems by Agricultural Practices (COAPA)
Earth Observation Group for the Study of Biosphere Dynamics (GEO-QUBIDY)
Geovisualization, Unique Spaces and Heritage
Hydroinformatics and Water Management
Innovation and Business Management
Sustainable Plant Production and Protection Systems
Viticulture Research Group
Towards a roadmap to increase nitrogen circularity through crop and livestock reconnection and ammonia abatement strategies in crop fertilization (AgrosceNa-NEXT)
NationalODS12, ODS15Asesoramiento técnico y científico de iluminación artificial en la Horticultura mediante el uso de LED. Experiencias Pilotos
With companiesODS7, ODS9, ODS12Resilient Agricultural IrrigatioN systems for water Scarcity in Europe (RAINS)
InternationalODS 6, ODS9, ODS12Estudio de posibles afecciones al olivo singular del Paseo de Alfonso XII por las obras de prolongación del túnel de Elduayen, Vigo
Desarrollo de inhibidores de la nitrificación de origen biológico para su uso en fertilización
With companies
- Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Arbonès, G., Esteve, P. & Morales Opazo, C.(2024)Development of an indicator-based framework for farm sustainability assessmentFAO.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Branquinho, C., Lorenzo-Lacruz, J., Menichetti, E., Mohammed, S. & Sanz, A.(2024)Drivers of change and their impacts on WEFE in the Mediterranean regionChapter 2. In Special Report Interlinking climate change with the Water - Energy - Food - Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus in the Mediterranean Basin. MedECC Reports. MedECC Secretariat, Marseille, France, pp. 57-139ReportJCR
- Nasta, P., Blöschl, G., Bogena, H.R., Zacharias, S., Baatz, R., De Lannoy, G., Jensen, K.H., Manfreda, S., Pfister, L., Tarquis, A.M., van Meerveld, I., Voltz, M., Zeng, Y., Kustas, W., Li, X., Vereecken, H. & Romano, N.(2025)HESS Opinions: Towards a common vision for the future of hydrological observatoriesHydrology and Earth System Sciences, 29(2), 465-483.PapersJCR
- Andries, D.M., Garrido, A. & De Stefano, L.(2025)Addressing drivers and data gaps in Spain’s non-compliance of drinking water quality standardsScience of The Total Environment, 963, 178412.PapersJCR
- Mandaluniz Astigarraga, N. & Soriano Martínez, B.(2025)El libro recomendado: Despoblación, cohesión territorial e igualdad de derechosDossieres EsF, Economistas Sin Fronteras. 56, 55-56.PapersJCR