Work with CEIGRAM
Investigador AGROSCENA NEXT-PID2023-152562OB-I00.

Consulting and transfer


Spain is a global leader in greenhouse horticulture and fruit production. At CEIGRAM we provide a range of collaboration opportunities for companies, researchers and industry stakeholders to enhance the productivity of horticultural and fruit production systems by introducing technologies to improve climate control, lighting and CO2 management in greenhouse production. We also develop initiatives focused on optimizing hydroponic cultivation and vertical farming systems.

Scientific and Technological Services

Horticultural Crop Management

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

The AgSystem/Horticulture research group has 4 researchers led by Rubén Moratiel, an expert in water management and intensive horticulture. Professor Moratiel has extensive experience in the private sector where he has held different positions in companies in the sector. The group has collaborated with companies or associations of companies (FEPEX, SYNGENTA, TRADECORP, among others) and organisations such as Agroseguro and the Ministry of Agriculture. They have made several patents and numerous scientific publications. In the last 3 years, the group has generated economic resources from private funds of around 170,000 € as well as obtaining public funding to carry out industrial doctorates in collaboration between the University and Business.

Lines of work

  • Artificial light management in horticultural, ornamental and medicinal crops
  • Water and nutrient optimisation in horticultural crops
  • Climate control in greenhouse crops
  • Soil-less (hydroponic) crop developments
  • Vertical farming developments

Principal researcher

  • Moratiel, Rubén

    Associate Professor

More information

UPM Impact Hub

Completed Projects