Work with CEIGRAM
Investigador AGROSCENA NEXT-PID2023-152562OB-I00.

Consulting and transfer

Olive Cultivation

Spain is the world’s leading producer of olive oil and table olives. These respective productions account for approximately half of the global olive oil production and around 21% of table olive production. The transition from traditional olive cultivation systems to intensive and super internisve systems must be well-managed, enabling small and medium-sized olive farms to undertake this transformation with a high likelihood of success.

At CEIGRAM, our specialists in olive cultivation management collaborate nationally and internationally with producers, associations and companies in the sector. Their work focuses on understanding how climate affects olive varieties, analyzing yield variability across different harvest seasons, improving knowledge of phenology, identifying “critical” moments for treatments and fertilization, enhancing harvest forecasting methods, and optimizing irrigation water use to maximize production in the face of climate change.

Scientific and Technological Services

Consultancy, research and courses in olive cultivation

Research capacity

PI, Research Group and Research Center

Associate Professor

34 JCR articles. 10 contracts with companies. European and National Projects

5 olive growing courses for delegations

Director of the Specialisation Course in Olive Growing since 2010.

Lines of work

  • Intensive olive grove design
  • Irrigation management

Principal researcher

  • Gómez del Campo, María

    Full Professor

More information

UPM Impact Hub

Completed Projects