Consulting and transfer
Spain accounts for 13% of the world’s total vineyard area, making it the third largest producer globally and contributing around 1% to the national GDP. We are the third largest wine exporters in the world in terms of value, and responsible for 25% of wine production in Europe. We generate employment in wineries and agriculture, playing a crucial role in combating rural depopulation. Over the past five years, the sector has invested between 170 and 180 million euros annually in R&D&i projects.
CEIGRAM’s researchers, experts in viticulture, collaborate with and advise both public adminstrations and private companies in the wine sector on risk management. In this context, the research topics such as hydric relations and conduction systems have evolved into specific projects aimed at achieving environmental and economic sustainability objectives.

Scientific and Technological Services
Vineyard Assessment and Consultancy
Research capacity
Dr. Pilar Baeza is Full Professor at the UPM and has more than 20 years of experience in the field of viticulture. She has carried out multiple viticultural advisory and consultancy work for companies, including advice on planting new vineyards and monitoring them. In the last 3 years, the group has participated in 10 projects with companies in the wine sector, generating economic resources of around €0.5m.
Lines of work
- Water relations
- Agronomic evaluation of the vineyard. Productive and vegetative response
- Agronomic study of varieties and rootstocks
- Study of the effects of cultivation techniques in vineyards
- Consultancy and advice to companies
- Viticulture training courses
Principal researcher
Baeza Trujillo, Pilar
Associate Professor
More information
UPM Impact HubCompleted Projects
Soluciones tecnológicas 4.0 de predicción del rendimiento vitícola a largo plazo y prevención de daños por enfermedad, sequía y helada, derivados de la influencia del cambio climático (BIGPREDIDATA)
NationalODS12, ODS15Proyecto de colaboración para el seguimiento y control de los diferentes viñedos y bodegas de España y Portugal en los que Gestión Integral de Viticultura S.L. desarrolla sus actividades
With companiesODS12Seguimientos y Controles en los viñedos de Bodegas Las Copas S.L. en Daramezas y Bergonza (Toledo)
With companiesTrabajo de colaboración técnica “Elección anual Protector de Viñas”
With companiesEstudio del riesgo de helada y pedrisco para uva de vino: tendencias, vulnerabilidad y análisis del riesgo. Adenda al contrato para la realización de la tercera fase del estudio (STORM SOS)
With companiesEstudio sobre siniestralidad del riesgo de helada en el viñedo de vinificación: evaluación retrospectiva teniendo en cuenta la reestructuración del sector desde 1995
NationalDirección técnica para la implantación y puesta en marcha de un viñedo de nueva plantación (6 ha) y asesoramiento técnico de viñedo existente (18 ha) en las comarcas de Daroca y Calatayud (Zaragoza)
With companiesRealización de fichas descriptivas de diferentes viñedos de Grandes Pagos de España
With companies