Work with CEIGRAM
Investigador AGROSCENA NEXT-PID2023-152562OB-I00.

Privacy policy

File Holder

The legal owner of this website and therefore of the files containing personal information, gathered and processed in the data from this website is the The Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks from the Technical University of Madrid, hereinafter CEIGRAM at the address C/ Senda del Rey 13 Campus Sur de prácticas Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB) – Technical University of Madrid (UPM) – Ciudad Universitaria 28040 – Madrid (Spain) and email address

Data collected

You can visit without providing any personal data. However, there are several contact forms where personal data is collected. CEIGRAM only gathers personal data that is necessary for providing you with the information you request about our products and services.

Use and purpose of the data collected

Personal data is collected at for the following purposes:

Sending information: The information contained in our database will be used to provide you with the information you request about our activity, which is oriented to development, innovation, dissemination, and training, both in the area of analysis and the management of agricultural and environmental risks. This information is sent via email. The users who do not wish to receive this type of information may communicate it to the email address

Our web site uses cookie implantation devices that enable us to identify you automatically and facilitate information about visit habits and behaviour on our website; this will help us improve Still, if you do not want these files to be installed on your computer, you can blook them in the cookies options you can find in your internet browser.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties.

CEIGRAM does not intend to disclose personal data beyond the cases in which we are obliged to by law (public administrations, administrative or judicial authorities, etc.).

Exercise of Rights

At any time, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending the corresponding application together with a copy of the official document that identifies you (DNI, driver’s license, or passport) to the email address Likewise, you may request to be removed from the user list at this same email address whenever you deem it convenient and unsubscribe from the system for receiving our newsletter.
If you have any doubts about how to exercise these rights, you can go to the Spanish Data Protection Agency website, or write to our customer service email

Changes to the terms of this privacy policy

This privacy policy is dated 25/05/2018, and any modification of its terms will be communicated to the users of this website.