Application of New Technologies and Data Science
Research Groups

As machines and a variety of sensors have taken hold in the rural world, farm data has grown exponentially in quantity and scope. Agricultural processes are increasingly data-driven and designed to take data. While initially taking into account variability in the field and over time, this area of research has gone further by introducing various data capture, analysis and modeling techniques to carry out decision making and actions in agri-environmental systems.
Research Groups
Agricultural Systems Group (Agsystems)
Complex Systems Group (GSC)
Earth Observation Group for the Study of Biosphere Dynamics (GEO-QUBIDY)
Geovisualization, Unique Spaces and Heritage
Research Projects
Asesoramiento técnico y científico de iluminación artificial en la Horticultura mediante el uso de LED. Experiencias Pilotos
With companiesODS9, ODS12Big Data y Data Analytics en el estudio de series temporales de imágenes satelitales, datos climáticos y mapas de suelos y vegetación
NationalSoluciones tecnológicas 4.0 de predicción del rendimiento vitícola a largo plazo y prevención de daños por enfermedad, sequía y helada, derivados de la influencia del cambio climático (BIGPREDIDATA)
NationalODS12, ODS15Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data (BEACON)
InternationalGoNEXUS – Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change