The Agsystems research group focuses its work on the study of agricultural and cultivation systems and their relationship with the environment. The final objective is the design of strategies or alternatives that allow maintaining the sustainability of cropping systems under current and future conditions. To this end, they carry out research projects based on field trials and the use of mathematical simulation models. The group participates in national and international projects and working groups focused on improving the efficiency of nitrogen use in agriculture. Spanish, with members of the group involved in the European Panel of Nitrogen Experts (EUNEP) and the International N management initiative (INMS). We actively participate in the development and evaluation of crop models within the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) platform.In the area of cooperation, AgSystems collaborates in agricultural reactivation projects and in the reinforcement between universities via curriculum and mobility of students and teachers. Likewise, it actively participates in the Spanish Network for Research in Agriculture for Development.
Lines of work
- Water and nitrogen management in agricultural systems
- Impact and adaptations to climate change and variability in cropping systems. Associated uncertainties
- Modeling of agricultural systems
Principal researcher
Quemada Saenz-Badillos, Miguel
Catedrático de Universidad
More information
UPM Research GroupProjects
See all projectsTowards a roadmap to increase nitrogen circularity through crop and livestock reconnection and ammonia abatement strategies in crop fertilization (AgrosceNa-NEXT)
NationalODS12, ODS15Asesoramiento técnico y científico de iluminación artificial en la Horticultura mediante el uso de LED. Experiencias Pilotos
With companiesODS9, ODS12Resilient Agricultural IrrigatioN systems for water Scarcity in Europe (RAINS)
InternationalODS 6, ODS9CONSOLE: CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry.
Scientific results
See all results- Zong, M., Yang, X., Sanz-Cobeña, A., Jorgensen, U., Butterbanch-Bahl, K. & Abalos, D.(2025)Reductions in nitrous oxide emissions in diverse crop rotations linked to changes in prokaryotic community structurePapersJCR
- Arqués, J.L., Ávila Arribas, M., Calzada Gómez, J., Curiel Gámiz, J.A., Garde, S., Landete, J.M., Langa Marcano, S., López, P., Martínez-Suárez, J.V., Montiel Moreno, R., Ortiz, S., Picón, A., Peirotén, A., Pérez López, D., Rodríguez Mínguez, E., Rodríguez, S., Ruiz de la Bastida, A., Sánchez, C. & Tomillo, F.J.(2023)Tecnología, calidad, seguridad y funcionalidad de alimentosSem@Foro. (75), 63-66.PapersJCR
- Wanner, N., Tubiello, F., Obli-Layrea, G., Dobermann, A., Gruere, A., Heffer, P., Zhang, X., Vishwakarme, S., Jackson, K., Ludemann, C., van Ittersum, M., Einarsson, R., Lassaletta, L., Chivange, P. & Grassini, P.(2024)Cropland nutrient balance Global, regional and country trends 1961–2022ReportJCR
- Jingwen Wang, J. , Pancorbo, J.L., Quemada, M., Zhang, J., Bai, Y., Zhang, S., Guo, S. & Chen, J.(2024)Field-scale evaluation of a satellite-based terrestrial biosphere model for estimating crop response to management practices and productivityISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 219, 1-21.PapersJCR