The group has developed an important R&D activity, generating results in the form of technological products such as the SAIDA system (Decision support system for flood prevention and response planning) applied to the national hydrological system in Spain (SAIH System). , the ICOMPLEX system for analysis of sensor data for safety and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures (such as large dams) or the protection system against overflow in dams using ACUÑA prefabricated concrete blocks.
Inclusion of the group in UPM WaterTo carry out its activity, the group receives both public (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology, TRAGSA, National Heritage, etc.) and private financing (companies such as INDRA, FCC, CANAL DE ISABEL II, Gas Natural Fenosa, Endesa, AQUAGEST, HIDRALIA ENERGÍA, Infraeco, etc.) and has carried out a significant number of projects financed by the European Commission such as: CIRCE (Climate change and Impact Research), INTERACTIVEX (Human computer interaction models for interactive exploration of behavior datasets), SWAP (Mediterranean dialogue on framing sustainability in water policy evaluation), WASSERMed (Water availability and security in southern Europe and the Mediterranean).Form part of the REMEDIA network (Scientific Network for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Agroforestry Sector), the EERA network (European Energy Research Alliance), the RLHE network (Network of Hydraulics Laboratories of Spain).
In addition, our group belongs to the water platform of the Polytechnic University of Madrid UpmWater, which integrates groups that carry out research on water issues and collaborates on the Spanish electrical grid platform FutuRed on topics related to pumped storage of electrical energy.
Lines of work
- Infrastructures and Hydraulic Systems: Modeling, resource management, security, hydroelectric systems.
- Environment:Climate change, drought, socio-economic impact of water management.
- Information Technologies:Information systems, artificial intelligence.
Principal researcher
Iglesias, Ana
Profesora Titular de Universidad
More information
UPM Research GroupProjects
See all projectsCONSOLE: CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry.
InternationalTransformative wildlife management to enhance biodiversity protection and ecosystem services provision in shared and protected multi-use landscapes across Europe (TransWILD)
NationalODS13, ODS15Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability (DIVERSify)
InternationalConverting Typha (Typha spp) Threat in Nigeria Irrigation Schemes to Opportunity to Improve Livelihood of Farmers
Scientific results
See all results- Iglesias, A. & Buono, F.(2009)Towards sustainability of water policies in Mediterranean countries: approaches in the SWAP projectPapersJCR
- Quiroga, S. & Iglesias, A.(2009)A comparison of the climate risks of cereal, citrus, grapevine and olive production in SpainAgricultural Systems, 101(1-2), 91-100.PapersJCR
- Iglesias, A., Garrote, L. & Martín-Carrasco, F.(2009)Drought Risk Management in Mediterranean River BasinsPapersJCR
- Molina, J.L., García-Aróstegui, J.L., Benavente, J., Varela, C., De la Hera, A. & López-Geta, J.A.(2009)Aquifers Overexploitation in SE Spain: A Proposal for the Integrated Analysis of Water ManagementPapersJCR