Scientific and technological results
- Moratiel, R., Soler, J. & Durán, J.M.(2010)Composición acuosa crioprotectora y métodos para su aplicaciónPatents and registrationsJCR
- Alonso Peralta, F., Vázquez Minguela, J.A., Ovejero Rubio, I., Garcimartín Molina, M.A., Mateos San Juan, A., Sánchez Oreja, M.E. & Sánchez Espinosa, E.M.(2010)Belt separation system under slat in fattening pig housing: Effect of belt type and extraction frequencyPapersJCR
- Baeza P., Sánchez de Miguel, P. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2010)Radiation balance in vineyardsBook chapter In Delrot, S., Medrano, H., Or, E., Babaresco, I. & GrandoS. (Eds.). Methodologies in Grapevine Research. Springer. ISBN: 978-90-481-9283-0. 21-30.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Bandeira Greño, P., Sumpsi, J.M. & Falconi, C.(2010)Evaluating land administration systems: A comparative method with an application to Peru and HondurasPapersJCR
- Baveye, P.C., Laba, M., Otten, W., Bouckaert, L., Dello, P., Goswami, R.R., Grinev, D., Houston, A., Hu, Y., Liu, J., Mooney, S., Pajor, R., Sleutel, S., Tarquis, A.M., Wang, W., Wei, Q. & Sezgin, M.(2010)Observer-dependent variability of the thresholding step in the quantitative analysis of soil images and X-ray microtomography dataPapersJCR
- Blanco Fonseca, M., Burrell, A., Gay, S.H., Henseler, M., Kavallari, A., M’Barek, R., Pérez Domínguez, I. & Tonini, A.(2010)Impacts of the EU biofuel target on agricultural markets and land use: a comparative modelling assessmentReportJCR
- Blanco, I.(2010)Economic-hydrologic analysis of alternative water management strategies for balancing water for nature an water for food. Implications for the Guadiana River Basin in SpainDoctoral thesesJCR
- Briz, J. & De Felipe, I.(2010)La agricultura española: Situación actual, retos y tendenciasBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Briz, J., De Felipe, I., Chen, J. & Peña, S.(2010)Agricultura y comercio agroalimentario hispano-chinoBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Briz, J., De Felipe, I. & Briz, T.(2010)Funcionamiento y transparencia en la cadena de valor: Aplicación al caso del aceite de oliva en EspañaPapersJCR
- Briz, J., De Felipe, I., Ji, C. & Peña, S.(2010)Agricultura y Comercio agroalimentario Hispano ChinoBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Cardenas, J.P., Santiago, A., Tarquis, A.M., Losada, J.C., Borondo, F. & Benito, R.M.(2010)Soil porous system as heterogeneous complex networkPapersJCR
- Castellanos, M.T., Cartagena, M.C., Arce, A., Ribas, F., Caballero, M.J. & Tarquis. A.M.(2010)Efficiency Indexes for melon crop optimizationPapersJCR
- Centeno A., Baeza, P. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2010)Relationship between soil and plant water status in wine grapes under various water deficit regimes.PapersJCR
- Confalone, A., Lizaso, J., Ruiz-Nogueira, B., López-Cedrón, F.X. & Sau, F.(2010)Growth, PAR use efficiency, and yield components of field-grown Vicia faba L. under different temperature and photoperiod regimesField Crops Research, 115(2), 140-148.PapersJCR
- De Felipe I., Briz, J. & Briz, T.(2010)Introducción, marco agrosocial y metodologíaBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Espinosa, M.(2010)El diseño del contrato en los programas agroambientales: análisis de las preferencias de los agricultores en sistemas extensivos de secano españolDoctoral thesesJCR
- Fallico, C., Tarquis, A.M., De Bartolo, S. & Veltri, M.(2010)Scaling Analysis Of Water Retention Curves For Unsaturated Sandy Loam Soils by using fractal geometryPapersJCR
- Gabriel, J.L., Lizaso, J. & Quemada, M.(2010)Laboratory versus field calibration of capacitance probesPapersJCR
- García, R., Díaz, M.C., Saa, A., Valencia, J.L. & Tarquis, A.M.(2010)Multiscaling Analysis of Soil Roughness VariabilityPapersJCR
- García, R., Díaz, M.C., Tarquis, A.M., Paz, A. & Saa, A.(2010)Shadow Analysis of Soil Surface Roughness Compared to the Chain Set Method and Direct Measurement of Micro-reliefPapersJCR
- Garrido, A., Barreira, A., Luque, E & Dinar, S.(2010)Cuencas Hidrográficas Hispano PortuguesasBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Garrido, A., Novo, P., Rodríguez-Casado, R. & Varela-Ortega, C.(2010)Economic aspects of virtual water trade: Lessons from the Spanish caseBook chapter In Martinez Cortina, L., Garrido, A. & López-Gunn, E. (Eds.). Re-thinking Water and Food Securit. Routledge CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780415587907. 145-159.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Gil, M., Garrido, A. & Gómez-Ramos, A.(2010)How to link agricultural productivity, water availability and water demand in a risk context: a model for managing hydrological risksSpanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(2), 207-220.PapersJCR
- Gómez del Campo M., Morales-Sillero, A., Vita Serman, F., Rousseaux, M.C. & Searles, P.S.(2010)El olivar en los valles áridos del Noroeste de Argentina (provincias de Catamarca, La Rioja y San Juan)PapersJCR
- Gómez del Campo, M.(2010)Physiological and growth responses to irrigation of a newly established hedgerow olive orchardPapersJCR
- Grau, J.B., Antón, J.M., Tarquis, A.M., Colombo, F., De los Ríos, L. & Cisneros, J.M.(2010)An application of mathematical models to select the optimal alternative for an integral plan to desertification and erosion control (Chaco Area – Salta Province – Argentina)PapersJCR
- Hardy, L. & Garrido, A.(2010)Análisis y evaluación de las relaciones entre el agua y la energía en EspañaPapersJCR
- Iglesias, A.(2010)Climate Change and Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of Global Impacts, Adaptation and Distributional EffectsPapersJCR
- Iglesias, A., Mougou, R., Moneo, M. & Quiroga, S.(2010)Towards adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the MediterraneanPapersJCR
- Iglesias, A., Quiroga, S. & Schlickenrieder, J.(2010)Climate change and agricultural adaptation: assessing management uncertainty for four crop types in SpainPapersJCR
- Janssen, S., Louhichi, K., Kanellopoulos, A., Zander, P., Flichman, G., Hengsdijk, H., Meuter, E., Andersen, E., Belhouchette, H., Blanco, M., Borkowski, N., Heckelei, T., Hecker, M., Li, H., Oude Lansink, A., Stokstad, G., Thorne, P., van Keulen, H. & van Ittersum,M.K.(2010)A Generic Bio-Economic Farm Model for Environmental and Economic Assessment of Agricultural SystemsPapersJCR
- Krysanova, V., Dickens, C., Timmerman, J., Varela-Ortega, C., Schlüter, M., Roest, K., Huntjens, P., Jaspers, F., Buiteveld, H., Moreno, E., De Pedraza-Carrera, J., Slámová, R., Martinkova, M., Blanco, I., Esteve, P., Pringle, K., Pahl-Wostl, C. & Kabat, P.(2010)Cross-comparison of climate change adaptation strategies across large river basins in Europe, Africa and AsiaWater Resources Management, 24(14), 4121-4160.PapersJCR
- Llamas, M.R., Varela-Ortega, C., De la Hera, A., Aldaya, M.M., Villarroya, F., Martínez-Santos, P., Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Carmona-García, G., Esteve-Bengoechea, P., De Stefano, L., Hernández-Mora, N. & Zorrilla, P.(2010)The Guadiana BasinBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Louhichi, K., Janssen, S., Kanellopoulos, K., Li, H., Borkowski, N., Flichman, G., Hengsdijk, H., Zander, P., Blanco, M., Stokstad, G., Athanasiadis, I., Rizzoli, A.E., Huber, D., Heckelei, T. & Van Ittersum, M.K.(2010)A generic Farming System Simulator (FSSIM)Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Louhichi, K., Kanellopoulos, A., Janssen, S., Flichman, G., Blanco, M., Hengsdijk, H., Heckelei, T., Berentsen, P., Lansink, A.O. & Van Ittersum, M.(2010)FSSIM, a bio-economic farm model for simulating the response of EU farming systems to agricultural and environmental policiesPapersJCR
- Mari, F.(2010)Strumenti di supporto delle decisioni nella gestione comprensoriale dell’acqua per uso irriguo: un caso di studio nell’Alta Valle del TevereDirectores: Iglesias, E. & Casadei, S.Doctoral thesesJCR
- Martínez Cortina, L., Garrido, A. & López-Gunn, E. (Eds.).(2010)Re-thinking Water and Food SecurityBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Mato Tamayo, J.(2010)Contribución metodológica de la Geometría Fractal al estudio de la fragmentación producida por diferentes sistemas de laboreo del sueloDoctoral thesesJCR
- Medina, F., Garrido, A. & Iglesias, A.(2010)Factores explicativos de la contratación de seguros por parte de los productores ecológicos de fruta y cereal en EspañaRevista Española de Estudios Agro-Sociales y Pesqueros, 226, 95-118.PapersJCR
- Méndez, A., Barriga, S., Saa, A. & Gascó, G.(2010)Removal of malachite green by adsorbents from paper industry waste materialsPapersJCR
- Meneghetti, S., Costacurta, A., Frare, E., Da Rold, G., Migliaro, D., Morreale, G., Crespan, M., Sotés, V. & Calò, A.(2010)Clones Identification and Genetic Characterization of Garnacha Grapevine by Means of Different PCR-Derived Marker SystemsPapersJCR
- Milne, A.E., Castellanos, M.T., Cartagena, M.C., Tarquis, A.M. & Lark, R.M.(2010)Investigating the effect of previous treatments on wheat biomass over multiple spatial frequenciesPapersJCR
- Moratiel, R., Durán, J.M. & Snyder, R.L.(2010)Responses of reference evapotranspiration to changes in atmospheric humidity and air temperature in SpainPapersJCR
- Mougou, R., Mansour, M., Iglesias, A., Zitouna Chebbi, R. & Battaglini, A.(2010)Climate change and agricultural vulnerability: a case study of rain-fed wheat in Kairouan, Central TunisiaPapersJCR
- Piñuela, J., Álvarez, A., Andina, D., Heck, R.J. & Tarquis, A.M.(2010)Quantifying a soil pore distribution from 3D images: Multifractal spectrum through wavelet approachPapersJCR
- Puelles Gallo, M., Gómez Galarza, V., Gabriel y Galán Moris, J.M., De Felipe Boente, I., Briz Escribano, J., Siura Céspedes, S., Briz de Felipe, T., Flores Pimentel, M. & Pérez, M.J. (Coords.).(2010)Las plantas medicinales de Perú: Etnobotánica y viabilidad comercialBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Rescia, A., Willaarts, B.A., Schmitz, M.F. & Aguilera, P.(2010)Changes in land uses and management in two Nature Reserves in Spain: Evaluating the social–ecological resilience of cultural landscapesPapersJCR
- Ruiz Chico, J.(2010)Análisis de valor de la trazabilidad de los productos cárnicos españolesDirector: Briz, J.Doctoral thesesJCR
- Ruiz-Ramos, M. & Mínguez, M.I.(2010)Evaluating uncertainty in climate change impacts on crop productivity in the Iberian PeninsulaClimate Research, 44, 69-82.PapersJCR
- Sagardoy, J.A. & Varela-Ortega, C.(2010)Present and Future Roles of Water and Food Trade in Achieving Food Security, Reducing Poverty and Water UseBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Sánchez de Miguel, P., Baeza, P., Junquera, P. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2010)Vegetative development: total leaf area and surface area indexesBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Sánchez González, I.(2010)La transversalidad de las buenas prácticas agrarias y la propiedad industrialDoctoral thesesJCR
- Sanchez-Martín, L., Meijide, A., Sanz-Cobena, A., Quemada, M. & Vallejo, A.(2010)The importance of the fallow period for N2O and CH4 fluxes and nitrate leaching in a Mediterranean irrigated agroecosystemPapersJCR
- Sekula, E.(2010)Turbulent Structure of Jets and PlumesDoctoral thesesJCR
- Tarquis, A.M., Gobin, A. & Semenov, M.(2010)Agriculture in a changing climate. PrefacePapersJCR
- Torres-Argüelles, V., Oleschko, K., Tarquis, A.M., Korvin, G., Gaona, C., Parrot, J.F. & Ventura-Ramos, E.(2010)Fractal metrology for biogeosystems analysisPapersJCR
- Valencia J.L., Saa, A., Gascó, J.M. & Tarquis, A.M.(2010)Universal Multifractal description applied to precipitation pattern in the Ebro River BasinPapersJCR
- Valiño, V., Perdigones, A., Iglesias, A. & García, J.L.(2010)Effect of increasing temperatures on cooling systems. Livestock farms: a case of studyClimate Research, 4(1), 107-114.PapersJCR
- Valiño, V., Perdigones, A., Iglesias, A. & García, J.L.(2010)Effect of temperature increase on cooling systems in livestock farmsClimate Research, 44(1), 107-114.PapersJCR
- Vianey Torres-Arguëlles, S.(2010)Metrología FractalDoctoral thesesJCR
- Zorrilla P., Carmona, G., De la Hera, A., Varela-Ortega, C., Martínez Santos, P., Bromley, J. & Henriksen, H.J.(2010)Evaluation of Bayesian Networks in Participatory Water Resources Management, Upper Guadiana Basin, SpainPapersJCR
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