Scientific and technological results
- Mínguez, M.I., Ruiz, M. & Sánchez, A.(2012)AGROCLlMA-SSP- v. 1.1.Patents and registrationsJCR
- Mínguez, M.I., Ruiz, M. & Sánchez, A.(2012)Agroclima-Converter v 1.0Propiedad: UPM y Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Ref. M-009210/2011Patents and registrationsJCR
- Báez Barraza, K.A.(2012)Estrategias innovadoras para la gestión del riesgo de sequía en sistemas ganaderos extensivosDoctoral thesesJCR
- Belhouchette, H., Blanco, M., Wery, J. & Flichman, G.(2012)Sustainability of irrigated farming systems in a Tunisian region: A recursive stochastic programmingPapersJCR
- Blanco Fonseca, M., Kavallari, A., Burrell, A., Gay, S.H., Hensele, M., M'Barek, R., Pérez, I. & Tonini, I.(2012)iMAP as part of JRC wide policy support: Agri economic impacts of policies targeting horizontal (multi sectoral) issuesBook chapter In An integrated Modelling Platform for Agroeconomic Commodity and Policy Analysis (iMAP) - a look back and the way forward. Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN: 978-92-79-23553-5.ReportJCR
- Cárdenas, J.P., Santiago, A., Tarquis, A.M., Losada, J.C., Borondo, F. & Benito, R.M.(2012)Community Structure in a Soil Porous SystemPapersJCR
- Castellanos, M.T., Cabello, M.J., Cartagena, M.C., Tarquis, A.M., Arce, A. & Ribas, F.(2012)Nitrogen uptake dynamics, yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen fertilization in ‘Piel de sapo’ melonPapersJCR
- Chico, D. & Garrido, A.(2012)Overview of the extended Water Footprint in Spain: the importance of agricultural water consumption in the Spanish economyBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Chico, D., Garrido, A. & Aldaya, M.M.(2012)A water footprint assessment of a pair of jeans: the influence of agricultural policies on the sustainability of consumer productsPapersJCR
- Connor, D.J. & Mínguez, M.I.(2012)Evolution not revolution of farming systems will best feed and green the worldGlobal Food Security, 1(2), 106-113.PapersJCR
- Connor, D.J., Gómez-del-Campo, M. & Comas, J.(2012)Yield characteristics of N–S oriented olive hedgerow orchards, cv. ArbequinaPapersJCR
- Cumbrera Gonzalez, R.A.(2012)Metodología del análisis de imágenes digitales para el estudio del contenido de humedad en vertisolesDoctoral thesesJCR
- Cumbrera, R., Tarquis, A.M., Gasco, G. & Millan, H.(2012)Fractal scaling of apparent soil moisture estimated from vertical planes of Vertisol pit imagesJournal of Hydrology, 452, 205-212.PapersJCR
- Custodio, E., Garrido, A., Coleto, C. & Salmoral, G.(2012)The challenges of agricultural diffuse pollutionBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- De Stefano, L., Hernández-Mora, N., López-Gunn, E., Willaarts, B. & Zorrilla-Miras, P.(2012)Public participation and transparency in water managementBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- De Stefano, L., Martínez-Cortina, L. & Chico, D.(2012)An overview of groundwater resources in SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Dumont, A., Salmoral, G. & Llamas, M.R.(2012)The extended water footprint of the Guadalquivir basinBook chapter In De Stefano, L. And Llamas, R. (Eds.). Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain: can we square the circle? Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation, Taylor and Francis. ISBN: 978-1138076075. 105-114.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Gabriel, J.L., Almendros, P., Hontoria, C. & Quemada, M.(2012)The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Soil salinity and salt leachingPapersJCR
- Gabriel, J.L., Muñoz-Carpena, R. & Quemada, M.(2012)The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulationPapersJCR
- Garrido, A. & Custodio, E.(2012)Claves y oportunidades para un pacto del agua en EspañaPapersJCR
- Garrido, A., Novo, P. & Soriano, B.(2012)La seguridad hídrica y alimentaria globalBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Garrido, A., Rey, D. & Calatrava J.(2012)Water trading in SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Garrido, A., Ruiz J., Bardají I., de Blas, J.C., García, R., Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.G., Linares, P., Garrido, M. & Ruiz Casado, F.(2012)Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Garrido, A., Willaarts, B., López-Gunn, E. & Rey, D.(2012)Considerations on climate variability and change in SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Gómez del Campo, M. & García, J.M.(2012)Canopy fruit location can affect olive oil quality in ‘Arbequina’ hedgerow orchardsPapersJCR
- González Torres, F. & Rojo, C.(2012)La seguridad alimentaria en Argelia: Indicadores macroeconómicos. Producción agrícola y restricciones. Concepto de seguridad alimentaria y vulnerabilidad a la inseguridad alimentariaBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- González-Zeas, D., Garrote, L., Iglesias, A. & Sordo-Ward, A.(2012)Improving runoff estimates from regional climate models: a performance analysis in SpainPapersJCR
- Hardy, L. & Garrido, A.(2012)Challenges and opportunities related to the Spanish water-energy nexusBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Hardy, L., Garrido, A. & Juana, L.(2012)Evaluation of Spain’s Water-Energy NexusPapersJCR
- Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C. & Marín, O.(2012)Los retos de la ingeniería de regadíos y la soberanía alimentariaBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Hernández-Mora, N., Gil, M., Garrido, A. & Rodríguez-Casado, R.(2012)La sequía 2005-2008 en la cuenca del Ebro: vulnerabilidad, impactos y medidas de gestiónBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Hoyos Echevaría, P.(2012)El injerto en pepino corto tipo español (Cucumis sativus L.). Recomendaciones para su empleo en la zona central españolaDoctoral thesesJCR
- Iglesias, A., Garrote, L., Quiroga, S. & Moneo, M.(2012)From climate change impacts to the development of adaptation strategies: challenges for agriculture in EuropePapersJCR
- Iglesias, A., Garrote, L., Quiroga, S. & Moneo, M.(2012)A regional comparison of the effects of climate change on agricultural crops in EuropePapersJCR
- Junquera, P., Lissarrague, J.R., Jiménez, L., Linares, R. & Baeza, P.(2012)Long-term effects of different irrigation strategies on yield components, vine vigour, and grape composition in cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.)PapersJCR
- Llamas, M.R., De Stefano, L., Aldaya, M.M., Custodio, E., Garrido, A., López-Gunn, E. & Willaarts, B.(2012)IntroductionBook chapter In De Stefano, L. And Llamas, R. (Eds.). Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain: can we square the circle? Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation, Taylor and Francis. ISBN: 978-1138076075. 1-22.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- López-Gunn, E., Willaarts, B., Dumont, A., Niemeyer, I. & Martínez-Santos, P.(2012)The concept of water and food security in SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Marín, O., Merino, A., Arnés, E. & Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.(2012)El impacto de las escuelas de campo en la seguridad alimentaria y sostenibilidad de los sistemas campesinos de montaña en San José de Cusmpa (Nicaragua)En Actas del X Congreso de SEAE "20º años impulsando la producción ecológica". SEAE Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (Eds.).PapersJCR
- Méndez, V., Catalán, H., Rosell, J., Arnó, J., Sanz, R. & Tarquis, A.M.(2012)SIMLIDAR – Simulation of LIDAR performance in artificially simulated orchardsPapersJCR
- Millán, H., Tarquis, A.M., Pérez, L., Mato, J. & González-Posada, M.(2012)Spatial variability patterns of some Vertisol properties at a field scale using standardized dataSoil & Tillage Research, 120, 76-84.PapersJCR
- Moriana, A., Pérez-López, D., Prieto, M.H., Ramírez-Santa-Pau, M. & Pérez-Rodriguez, J.M.(2012)Midday stem water potential as a useful tool for estimating irrigation requirements in olive treesPapersJCR
- Novo, P. & García Moreno, P.(2012)Cambiando incentivos para la gestión sostenible de recursos en NicaraguaBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Pérez Soto, L.D.(2012)Influencia de la maquinaria agrícola sobre la variabilidad espacial de la compactación del suelo. Aplicación de la metodología geoestadística-fractalDirectores: Tarquis, A.M. & Millán Vega, H.E.Doctoral thesesJCR
- Portilla Farfán, F.L.(2012)Significado empírico de la multifractalidad de la precipitaciónDoctoral thesesJCR
- Quevauviller, P., Barceló, D., Beniston, M., Djordjevic, S., Harding, R.J., Iglesias, A., Ludwig, R., Navarra, A., Navarro Ortega, A., Mark, O., Roson, R., Sempere, D., Stoffel, M., van Lanen, H.A.J. & Werner, M.(2012)Integration of research advances in modelling and monitoring in support of WFD river basin management planning in the context of climate changePapersJCR
- Ramirez García, J., Almendros, P. & Quemada, M.(2012)Ground cover and leaf area index relationship in a grass, legume and crucifer cropPapersJCR
- Ramirez García, J., Carrillo Becerril, J.M., Quemada, M. & Ruiz, M.(2012)Comparación de una gramínea, una leguminosa y una crucífera para su empleo como abono verdeBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Ruiz, J., Bardaji, I., Garrido, A. & Iglesias, E.(2012)Reforma de la PAC de 2003. Evaluación del impacto sobre la superficie, los rendimientos de secano y la diversidad de cultivos en EspañaPapersJCR
- Salmoral, G. & Chico, D.(2012)Lessons learnt from the analyses of the tomato and olive oil water footprint in SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Sotés Ruiz, V., Gómez Miguel, V., Almorox Alonso, J. & Tonietto. J.(2012)El clima vitícola de las principales regiones productoras de uvas para vino en EspañaBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Sotés, V., Gómez, V. & Tonietto, J. (Eds.).(2012)Clima, Zonificación y Tipicidad del Vino en Regiones Vitivinícolas IberoamericanasBook. Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo. ISBN: 978-84-15413-10-3.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Tarquis A.M., Sánchez, M.E., Antón, J.M., Jimenez, J., Saa-Requejo, A., Andina, D. & Crawford, J.W.(2012)Variation in spectral and mass dimension on 3D soil image processingPapersJCR
- Valencia, J.L., Tarquis, A.M., Saa-Requejo, A. & Gascó, J.M.(2012)Distribution of extreme rainfall events over Ebro River basinPapersJCR
- Valencia, J.L., Tarquis, A.M., Saa-Requejo, A. & Gasco, J.M.(2012)Change of extreme rainfall indexes at Ebro River BasinNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12(7), 2127–2137.PapersJCR
- Varela Ortega, C. & Esteve, P.(2012)Environmental standards in the fruits and vegetables sector of SpainBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Willaarts, B.(2012)Linking land management to water planning: Estimating the water consumption of Spanish forestsBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Willaarts, B., Volk, M. & Aguilera, P.A.(2012)Assessing the ecosystem services supplied by freshwater flows in Mediterranean agroecosystemsPapersJCR
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