Scientific and technological results
- Alarcón, J. & Garrido, A.(2016)Modernization of irrigation systems in Spain: review and analysis for decision makingInternational Journal of Water Resources Development, 32(3), 442-458.PapersJCR
- Antón, J.M., Grau, J.B., Cisneros, J.M., Tarquis, A.M., Laguna, F.V., Cantero, J.J., Andina, D. & Sánchez, E.(2016)Discrete Multi-Criteria Methods for lands use and conservation planning on La Colacha in Arroyos Menores (Río Cuarto, Province of Córdoba, Argentina)Annals of Operations Research, 245, 315-336.PapersJCR
- Ayuso, M., Gabriel, J.L. & Quemada, M.(2016)Nitrogen use efficiency and residual effect of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitorsEuropean Journal of Agronomy, 80, 1-8.PapersJCR
- Baena, M., Rodríguez, L., Tejero, M. & Baeza, P.(2016)Estimación del estado hídrico del viñedo vid a partir del contenido de agua del suelo, condiciones ambientales y desarrollo foliarActas de Horticultura, 76, 236-252.PapersJCR
- Baeza, P., Junquera, P., Linares, R. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2016)Comparación de la respuesta agronómica de varios clones de tempranillo comerciales y de nuevo desarrolloActas de Horticultura, 76, 33-41.PapersJCR
- Capa-Morocho, M., Amor, V.M.I., Baethgen, W.E., Rodríguez-Fonseca, B., Han, E. & Ruiz-Ramos, M.(2016)Crop yield outlooks in the Iberian Peninsula: Connecting seasonal climate forecasts with crop simulation modelsAgricultural Systems, 149, 75-87.PapersJCR
- Capa-Morocho, M., Rodríguez-Fonsecha, B. & Ruiz-Ramos, M.(2016)Sea surface temperature impacts on winter cropping systems in the Iberian PeninsulaAgricultural and Forest Meteorology, 226-227, 213-228.PapersJCR
- Capa‐Morocho, M., Rodríguez‐Fonseca, B. & Ruiz‐Ramos, M.(2016)El Niño influence on potential maize yield in Iberian PeninsulaInternational Journal of Climatology, 36(3), 1313-1330.PapersJCR
- Castañeda Vera, A.(2016)Agricultural insurance policies in Spain and the EU: an analysis of existent and new risk management tools focusing on indirect risk assessment, and asymmetric informationDoctoral thesesJCR
- Castellanos, M.T., Cartagena, M.C., Requejo, M.I., Arce, A., Cabello, M.J., Ribas, F. & Tarquis, A.M.(2016)Agronomic concepts in water footprint assessment: A case of study in a fertirrigated melon crop under semiarid conditionsAgricultural Water Management, 170, 81-90.PapersJCR
- Cendón Gatti, M.L.(2016)Efectos territoriales de las denominaciones de origen protegidas de aceite de origen protegidas de aceite de oliva en EspañaDoctoral thesesJCR
- Connor, D.J., Gómez del Campo, M. & Trentacoste, E.R.(2016)Relationships between olive yield components and simulated irradiance within hedgerows of various row orientations and spacingsScientia Horticulturae, 198, 12-20.PapersJCR
- De la Fuente, M., Linares, R. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2016)Adapting to climate change: the role of canopy management and water use efficiency in vineyardsWine & Viticulture Journal, 31(1), 43,46.PapersJCR
- Gabaldón Leal, C.(2016)Response of maize and olive to climate change under the semi-arid conditions of Southern SpainDoctoral thesesJCR
- Gabriel, J.L., Alonso-Ayuso, M., García-González, I., Hontoria, C. & Quemada, M.(2016)Nitrogen use efficiency and fertiliser fate in a long-term experiment with winter cover cropsEuropean Journal of Agronomy, 79, 14-22.PapersJCR
- Galindo Egea, A., Cruz, Z.N., Rodríguez Hernández, P., Collado González, J., Corell González, M., Memmi, H., Moreno Lucas, F., Moriana, A., Torrecillas Melendreras, A. & Pérez-López, D.(2016)Jujube fruit water relations during fruit maturation stage under different water deficit conditionsAgricultural Water Management, 164-1, 110-117.PapersJCR
- García-Germán Trujeda, S.(2016)An assessment of the impacts of rising food prices on consumers: Implications for the welfare of the poor and vulnerableDirectores: Bardají, I. & Garrido, A.Doctoral thesesJCR
- García-González, I., Quemada, M., Gabriel, J.L. & Hontoria, C.(2016)Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal activity responses to winter cover crops in a sunflower and maize cropping systemApplied Soil Ecology, 102, 10-18.PapersJCR
- González, V., Téllez, J. & Lissarrague, J.R.(2016)Efecto de la aplicación foliar de derivados de levadura sobre la composición de la uva y los vinos resultantesPapersJCR
- Herrera de, J.L., Tejedor, T.H., Saa-Requejo, A. & Tarquis, A.M.(2016)Effects of tillage on variability in soil penetration resistance in an olive orchardSoil Research, 54(2), 134-143.PapersJCR
- Iglesias, A.(2016)Balancing water needs among multiple users in a drought-prone coastal wetlandBook chapter In Ng, K., Campos, I., & Penha-Lopes, G. (Eds.). BASE - Adaptation inspiration book: 23 European cases of climate change adaptation to inspire European decision-makers, practitioners and citizens. Lisbon: Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. 26-29.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Iglesias, A. & Chiabai, A.(2016)Combating heat stress impact in a metropolitan inland cityBook chapter In Ng, K., Campos, I., & Penha-Lopes, G. (Eds.). BASE - Adaptation inspiration book: 23 European cases of climate change adaptation to inspire European decision-makers, practitioners and citizens. Lisbon: Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. 68-73.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Iglesias, E., Báez, K. & Hernández Diaz-Ambrona C.G.(2016)Assessing drought risk in Mediterranean Dehesa grazing landsAgricultural Systems, 149, 65-74.PapersJCR
- Maestro Villarroya, T.(2016)Hydrological Drought Index Insurance for Irrigated AgricultureDoctoral thesesJCR
- Martín-Gutiérrez, S., Borondo, J., Morales, A.J., Losada, J.C., Tarquis, A.M. & Benito, R.M.(2016)Agricultural activity shapes the communication and migration patterns in SenegalChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26(6), 065305.PapersJCR
- Memmi, H., Couceiro, J.F., Gijón, M.C. & Pérez-López, D.(2016)Impacts of water stress, environment and rootstock on the diurnal behaviour of stem water potential and leaf conductance in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(2), 0804.PapersJCR
- Memmi, H., Gijón, M.C., Couceiro, J.F. & Pérez-López, D.(2016)Water stress thresholds for regulated deficit irrigation in pistachiotrees: Rootstock influence and effects on yield qualityAgricultural Water Management, 164(1), 58-72.PapersJCR
- Millán, H., Cumbrera, R. & Tarquis, A.M.(2016)Multifractal and Levy-stable statistics of soil surface moisture distribution derived from 2D image analysisApplied Mathematical Modelling, 40(3), 2384-2395.PapersJCR
- Moratiel, R., Martínez-Cob, A., Tarquis, A.M. & Snyder, R.L.(2016)Soil water balance correction due to light rainfall, dew and fog in Ebro river basin (Spain)Agricultural Water Management, 170, 61-67.PapersJCR
- Moreno, M.M., Al Chami, Z., Cerdà, A. & Tarquis, A.M.(2016)Foreword to Sustainable Soil Management and Organic FarmingSoil Research, 54(2), i-iii.PapersJCR
- Ng, K., Campos, I., Penha-Lopes, G., Vizinho, A., Alves, F., Fonseca, A., Den Uyl, R.M., Russel, D., Iglesias, A., Iglesias, P., Garrote, L., Sordo-Ward, A., Mediero, L., Sánchez, B., Pedersen, A., Nielsen, H., Zandersen, M., Termansen, M., Stoktoft Oddershede, J. & Breil, M.(2016)BASE – Adaptation inspiration book: 23 European cases of climate change adaptation to inspire European decision-makers, practitioners and citizensBook. Ng, K., Campos, I., & Penha-Lopes, G. (Eds.). (2016). Lisbon: Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. 144 pp.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Quemada, M. & Daughtry, C.S.T.(2016)Spectral Indices to Improve Crop Residue Cover Estimation under Varying Moisture ConditionsRemote Sensing, 8(8), 660.PapersJCR
- Quemada, M. & Gabriel, J.L.(2016)Approaches for increasing nitrogen and water use efficiency simultaneouslyGlobal Food Security, 9, 29-35.PapersJCR
- Resco, P., Iglesias, A., Bardají, I. & Sotés, V.(2016)Exploring adaptation choices for grapevine regions in SpainRegional Environmental Change, 16, 979–993.PapersJCR
- Rey, D., Calatrava, J. & Garrido, A.(2016)Optimization of water procurement decisions in an irrigation district: the role of option contractsAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 60(1), 130-154.PapersJCR
- Ruíz, M., Quemada, M., García, R.M., Carrillo, J.M. & Benavente, E.(2016)Use of thermographic imaging to screen for drought-tolerant genotypes in Brachypodium distachyonCrop and Pasture Science, 67(1), 99-108.PapersJCR
- Sánchez, B., Iglesias, A., McVittie, A., Álvaro-Fuentes, J., Ingram, J., Mills, J., Lesschen, J.P. & Kuikman, P.(2016)Management of agricultural soils for greenhouse gas mitigation: Learning from a case study in NE SpainJournal of Environmental Management, 170, 37-49.PapersJCR
- Trentacoste, E.R., Gómez-del-Campo, M. & Rapoport, H.(2016)Olive fruit growth, tissue development and composition as affected by irradiance received in different hedgerow positions and orientationsScientia Horticulturae, 198, 284-293.PapersJCR
Memoria de Actividades 2023