Scientific and technological results
- Allende Montalbán, R., San-Juan Heras, R., Martín-Lammerding, D., Delgado, M., Albarrán, M. & Gabriel, J.L.(2024)The soil sample conservation method and its potential impact on ammonium, nitrate and total mineral nitrogen measurementsPapersJCR
- Allende-Montalbán, R., Gabriel, J.L., de Andrés, E.F., Porcel, M.A., Santín-Montanya, M.I., Gandía, M.L., Martín-Lammerding, D., Nieto, M.T., Delgado, M.M., San-Juan-Heras, R. & Tenorio, J.L.(2024)Nitrogen fertilization and sowing date as wheat climate change adaptation tools under Mediterranean conditionsPapersJCR
- Atencia Payares, L.K.(2024)Aplicación de sensores multiespectral y térmico a bordo de UASs para la caracterización de la variabilidad del viñedo (cv. Merlot) en Yepes (Toledo)Doctoral thesesJCR
- Ballesteros-Olza, M., Palencia González, F.J. & Blanco-Gutiérrez, I.(2024)Using big data to analyze how and why users value urban blue spaces in SpainPapersJCR
- Bardají, I., Aguilera, A., Blanco, I., Esteve, P., Lassaletta, L., Sanz-Cobeña, A., Soriano, B. & Villacorta, C.(2024)Sostenibilidad del sector agroalimentario español: la importancia de la mediciónBook chapter in Retos económicos en la alimentación. Papeles de Economía Española, 179. 56-74.ReportJCR
- Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Arbonès, G., Esteve, P. & Morales Opazo, C.(2024)Development of an indicator-based framework for farm sustainability assessmentFAO.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Branquinho, C., Lorenzo-Lacruz, J., Menichetti, E., Mohammed, S. & Sanz, A.(2024)Drivers of change and their impacts on WEFE in the Mediterranean regionChapter 2. In Special Report Interlinking climate change with the Water - Energy - Food - Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus in the Mediterranean Basin. MedECC Reports. MedECC Secretariat, Marseille, France, pp. 57-139ReportJCR
- Delgado, A., Quemada, M. & Villalobos, F.J.(2024)FertilizersBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Delgado, A., Quemada, M., Mateos, L. & Villalobos, F.J.(2024)Fertilization with Phosphorus, Potassium, and Other NutrientsBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Estefania-Salazar, E. & Iglesias, E.(2024)Enhancing spatio-temporal environmental analyses: A machine learning superpixel-based approachPapersJCR
- García-Gutiérrez, S., García-Marco, S., Jiménez-Horcajada, R., Montoya, M., Vallejo, A. & Guardia, G.(2024)Maize residue input rather than cover cropping influenced N2O emissions and soil–crop N dynamics during the intercrop and cash crop periodsPapersJCR
- Gómez Ramos, A., Blanco Gutiérrez, I., Ballesteros-Olza, M. & Esteve, P.(2024)Are Non-Conventional Water Resources the Solution for the Structural Water Deficit in Mediterranean Agriculture? The Case of the Segura River Basin in SpainPapersJCR
- Guardia, G., Aguilera, E., Vallejo, A., Álvaro-Fuentes, J., Cantero-Martínez, C., Sanz-Cobeña, A., Barton, L., Volpi, I. & Ibáñez, M.A.(2024)Contribution of the postharvest period to soil N2O emissions from arable Mediterranean cropsJournal of Cleaner Production, 469, 143186.PapersJCR
- Heredia, R.M., Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Esteve, P., Puhl, L. & Morales-Opazo, C.(2024)Assessment of sustainability in cocoa farms in Ecuador: application of a multidimensional indicator-based frameworkPapersJCR
- Hurtado, J., Velázquez, E., Lassaletta, L., Guardia, G., Aguilera, E. & Sanz-Cobena, A.(2024)Drivers of ammonia volatilization in Mediterranean climate cropping systemsPapersJCR
- Jingwen Wang, J. , Pancorbo, J.L., Quemada, M., Zhang, J., Bai, Y., Zhang, S., Guo, S. & Chen, J.(2024)Field-scale evaluation of a satellite-based terrestrial biosphere model for estimating crop response to management practices and productivityISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 219, 1-21.PapersJCR
- Kimball, B.A., Thorp, K.R., Boote, K.J., Shockle, C., Suyker, A.E., Evett, S.R., Brauer, D.K., Coyle, G.G., Copeland, K.S., Marek, G.W., Colaizzi, P.D., Acutis, M., Archontoulis, S., Babacar, F., Barcza, Z., Basso, B., Bertuzzi, P., De Antoni Migliorati, M., dumont, B., Durand, J.L., Fodor, N., Gaier, T., Gayler, S., Grant, R., Guan, K., Hoogenboom, G., Jiang, Q., Kim, S.H., Kisekka, I., Lizaso, J., Perego, A., Peng, B., Priesack, E., Qi, Z., Shelia, V., Srivastaba, A.K., Timlin, D., Webber, H., Weber, T., Williams, K., Viswanathan, M. & Zhou, W.(2024)Simulation of soil temperature under maize: An inter-comparison among 33 maize modelsPapersJCR
- Ksantini, F., Sdiri, A., Aydi, A., Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F., Achour, H. & Tarquis, A.M.(2024)A comparative study based on AHP and fuzzy logic approaches for landslide susceptibility zoning using a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysisPapersJCR
- Langreo Navarro, A. & García Azcárate, T.(2024)Consumo alimentario, estrategia de la distribución y agentes de la cadena alimentaria al inicio del siglo XXI.Papeles de economía española, 179, 153-170.ReportJCR
- Martín Sotoca, J.J., Sanz, E., Saa-Requejo, A., Moratiel, R., Almeida Ñauñay, A.F. & Tarquis, A.M.(2024)Relationship between Vegetation and Soil Moisture Anomalies Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Semiarid Rangeland CaseRemote Sensing, 16(18), 3369.PapersJCR
- Molina, J.L., Zazo, S., Espejo, F., Patino-Alonso, C., Blanco Gutiérrez, I. & Zarzo, D.(2024)Risk Colored Snake (RCS): An Innovative Method for Evaluating Flooding Risk of Linear Hydraulic InfrastructuresWater, 16(3), 506.PapersJCR
- Monistrol, A., Vallejo, A., García-Gutiérrez, S., Hermoso-Peralo, R., Montoya, M., Atienza-Payares, L.K., Aguilera, E. & Guardia, G.(2024)Interaction between burial depth and N source in drip-fertigated maize: Agronomic performance and correlation with spectral indicesPapersJCR
- Nowack, J.C., Tarquis Alonso, A.M., Atencia, L.K., Cuello, P. & Gómez del Campo, M.(2024)Use of remote sensing to estimate plant water status caused by different pruning strategies in ‘Merlot’ vineyards in central SpainPapersJCR
- Olaiya Olalekan, D., Makinde Olayinka, J., Egbo, L.M., Kalla Demo, J.U., Adelowo, V.O., Alabi Olusola, J., Akeem Babatunde, S., Okunade Sunday A., Opoola E. & Ajide Solomon O.(2024)Nutritive evaluation of dried cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) waste meal as feed for grower-finisher pigsPapersJCR
- Ortiz, R., Gascó, G., Méndez, A., Obrador, A., González, D. & Almendros, P.(2024)Zinc biofortification of lettuce using environmentally friendly zinc sources in an acidic soilScientia Horticulturae, 338, 113620.PapersJCR
- Pampaloni, M., Sordo-Ward, A., Lompi. M., Pacetti, T., Zubelzu, S., Rodríguez-Sinobas, L., Bianucci, P., Caporali, E. & Garrote, L.(2024)Performance of low impact development on peak flow reduction in an urban systemJournal of the American Water Resources Association, 60(1), 1-15.PapersJCR
- Poeplau, C., Liang, Z., Don, A., Seitz, D., De Notaris, C., Angers, D., Demenois, J., Beillouin, D., Barré, P., Chenu, C., Pellerin, S., Cardinael, R., Plaza-Bonilla, D., Ceschia, E., Mary, B., Quemada, M. & Justes, E.(2024)Cover crops do increase soil organic carbon stocks – A critical comment on Chaplot and SmithPapersJCR
- Puigdueta Bartolomé, I.(2024)Strategies for climate change mitigation and environmental sustainability through changes in food behaviour increasing the adoption of plant-rich diets based on organic and local food productsDoctoral thesesJCR
- Quemada, M. & Lassaletta, L.(2024)Fertilizer dependency: a new indicator for assessing the sustainability of agrosystems beyond nitrogen use efficiencyPapersJCR
- Quemada, M., Delgado, A., Mateos, L. & Villalobos, F.J.(2024)Nitrogen Fertilization II: Fertilizar RequierementsBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Quemada, M., Gómez, J.A., Delgado, A. & Villalobos, F.J.(2024)Soil Improvement and ReclamationBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Raya-Sereno, M.D., Camino, C., Pancorbo, J.L., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Gabriel, J.L., Beck, P.S.A. & Quemada, M.(2024)Assessing wheat genotype response under combined nitrogen and water stress scenarios coupling high-resolution optical and thermal sensors with radiative transfer modelsPapersJCR
- Salinas, J., Guardia, G., Monistrol, A., Iglesias-Díez, S.M., García Gutierrez, S., Jimenez-Horcajada R., Espín, G. & Vallejo, A.(2024)Can soluble organic fertilizers and/or manure reach the agronomic and environmental performance of synthetic fertilizers in drip-fertigated crops?Soil Use and Management, 40(4), e13136.PapersJCR
- Sánchez-Martin, L.. Bozal-Leorri, A., Rodrigues, J.M., González-Murua, C., Aparicio, P., García-Marco, S. & Vallejo, A.(2024)Impact of Drying–Wetting Cycles on Nitrification Inhibitors (DMPP and DMPSA) in a Greenhouse Experiment with Two Contrasting Mediterranean SoilsPapersJCR
- Sanz, E., Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F., Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.G., Zubelzu, S. & Tarquis, A.M.(2024)Joint multiscale dynamics in soil–vegetation–atmosphere systems: Multifractal cross-correlation analysis of arid and semiarid rangelandsPapersJCR
- Sanz, E., Trincado, J., Martínez, J., Payno, J., Morante, O., Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F., Berlanda, A., Molina, J.M., Zubelzu, S. & Patricio, M.A.(2024)Cloud-based system for monitoring event-based hydrological processes based on dense sensor network and NB-IoT connectivityPapersJCR
- Soriano, B., Paas, W., Reidsma, P., San Martín, C., Kopainsky, B. & Herrera, H.(2024)Overcoming collapse of farming systems: shifting from vicious to virtuous circles in the extensive sheep farming system in Huesca (Spain)Ecology & Society, 29 (4).PapersJCR
- Tornel-Vázquez, R., Anguiano-Santos, C., Pindado, E. & Iglesias, E.(2024)Explorando el clima digital: Un análisis de percepciones y sentimientos sobre cambio climático y sistemas agroalimentarios en TwitterBook chapter in Retos económicos en alimentación. Papeles de Economía Española, 179. 75-92.ReportJCR
- Urquijo-Reguera, J., López Santiago, J., Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.G., Paizano-Potoy, J., Clotet-Ballus, R., Colomer-Xena, Y., Bardají Azcárate, I., Reguant, F., Gil-Martín, J.C. & Sánchez-Bayo, M.(2024)Reflexiones sobre la necesidad de apoyar la producción sostenible de los agricultores en los países en desarrolloReportJCR
- Villalobos, F.J., Mateos, L., Quemada, M., Delgado, A. & Fereres, E.(2024)Control of SalinityBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Villalobos, F.J., Quemada, M., Delgado, A. & García-Tejera, O.(2024)FertigationBook chapter In Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture. Springer. 439-455.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Wanner, N., Tubiello, F., Obli-Layrea, G., Dobermann, A., Gruere, A., Heffer, P., Zhang, X., Vishwakarme, S., Jackson, K., Ludemann, C., van Ittersum, M., Einarsson, R., Lassaletta, L., Chivange, P. & Grassini, P.(2024)Cropland nutrient balance Global, regional and country trends 1961–2022ReportJCR
- Zubelzu, S., Ghalkha, A., Ben Issaid, Ch., Zanella, A. & Bennis, M.(2024)Coupling machine learning and physical modelling for predicting runoff at catchment scalePapersJCR
Memoria de Actividades 2023