Agricultural Insurance
The Spanish Combined Agricultural Insurance System is considered an international benchmark in agricultural insurance due to its public-private model, the breadth of its coverage, and the development achieved.
With a history spanning nearly 50 years, Law 87/1978 of Combined Agricultural Insurance has proven to be a cornerstone for effective risk management in Agriculture. This system demands significant efforts in research, development, data analysis, and the design of an institutional framework with collaboration from public and private sectors, professional agricultural organizations, and agri-food cooperatives. At CEIGRAM, we are dedicated to tackling these challenges by advancing knowledge in risk management tools for agriculture, livestock, and the environment.
It is also dedicated to dissemination, knowledge transfer, and training in the fields of its research. Aligned with its mission, research areas, and the expertise of its team, CEIGRAM is integrated into the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas at UPM.

The CEIGRAM, in collaboration with AGROSEGURO, is driving a training and outreach program focused on Agricultural Insurance and the management of agricultural and environmental risks. These initiatives are designed to introduce technicians and other interested parties to the latest scientific, technological, and digital innovations applied to agriculture, with a special focus on risk assessment in the insurance sector.
Since 2024, Agroseguro and CEIGRAM have been linked through a Aula-Empresa Agreement, created to advance this educational commitment by organizing specialized seminars whose content and registration process will be updated periodically. In this section, courses and workshops will be displayed as soon as the relevant information becomes available.
Curso 7: Taller de Tasación de Olivar 2024
Curso 6. Iniciación en Tasación de Herbáceos 2024
Curso 5. Jornada de Iniciación a la Tasación de Viña 2024
Curso 4. Seminario de Frutales 2024
Sign up for our Agricultural Insurance training courses in collaboration with AGROSEGURO
CEIGRAM offers a grant program for the completion of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and on risk management and agricultural, lifestock or environmental insurance.
Diseño de un índice de sequía combinado para la creación de un sistema de alarma temprana en pastizales. Caso de estudio en la Sierra de Guadarrama
Evaluación de la termografía como técnica alternativa para la estimación de estrés hídrico en viñedo
Procesos espaciales y temporales de la ganadería extensiva en los puertos de montaña en zonas del Parque Nacional de Ordesa y su entorno
Análisis del control de las peritaciones ejercido por el Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros en el marco de los seguros agrarios combinados: Posibles vías de mejora
Análisis del sistema de reaseguro público en los seguros agrarios en España (2004 – 2010)
Valoración del daño causado por los incendios en las especies forestales, de cara a su utilización en sistemas de seguros

View allEstudio sobre la evolución e incidencia de los eventos extremos más relevantes para los seguros agrarios
NationalEstudio sobre Caracterización de las zonas homogéneas de pastoreo relativo al seguro de compensación por pérdida en pastos y análisis estadístico del índice de vegetación (NDVI)
NationalEstudio sobre el Sistema de Seguros Agrarios Combinados en la actualidad. Retos y perspectivas de futuro
NationalAgricultural Risk Assessment Study in Liberia
InternationalRealización de las Actividades de Innovación de la Cooperación Delegada PRISMA de la Unión Europea, ligadas al Objetivo Específico 2, para laOficina Técnica de Cooperación de España en Nigeria
InternationalPrograma de divulgación del Seguro Agrario y de gestión de riesgos agrarios y medioambientales y actividades de formación que permitan poner al alcance de técnicos que prestan servicios profesionales para la sociedad en general, y particularmente, al Sistema Nacional de Seguros Agrarios, las últimas novedades e innovaciones profesionales tanto científicas como tecnológicas y digitales en materia agronómica, sus aplicaciones en las problemáticas de la agricultura actual, así como en la valoración de riesgos en el Seguro Agrario, desarrollado por el CEIGRAM
With companiesAgroclimatic risk assessment and design ing insurance in tomato cultivation in Malta
InternationalODS12, ODS13Soluciones tecnológicas 4.0 de predicción del rendimiento vitícola a largo plazo y prevención de daños por enfermedad, sequía y helada, derivados de la influencia del cambio climático (BIGPREDIDATA)
With companiesEstudio sobre Caracterización de las zonas homogéneas de pastoreo relativo al seguro de compensación por pérdida en pastos y análisis estadístico del índice de vegetación (NDVI)
With companies
Scientific results
View all- Estefania-Salazar, E. & Iglesias, E.(2024)Enhancing spatio-temporal environmental analyses: A machine learning superpixel-based approachPapersJCR
- Finger, R., Vroege, W., Spiegel, A., de Mey, Y., Slijper, T., Poortvliet, P.M., Urquhart, J., Vigani, M., Nicholas-Davies, P., Soriano, B., Garrido, A., Severini, S. & Meuwissen, M.(2022)The Importance of Improving and Enlarging the Scope of Risk Management to Enhance Resilience in European AgricultureBooks / Book chaptersJCR
- Lichtenberg, E. & Iglesias, E.(2022)Index insurance and basis risk: A reconsiderationPapersJCR
- Sanz, E., Saa-Requejo, A., Hernández Díaz-Ambrona, C.G., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Rodríguez, A., Iglesias, E., Esteve, P., Soriano, B. & Tarquis, A.M.(2021)Generalized Structure Functions and Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Applied to Vegetation Index Time Series: An Arid Rangeland StudyPapersJCR
- Sanz, E., Saa, A., Hernández, C.G., Ruiz Ramos, M., Rodríguez, A., Iglesias, E., Esteve, P., Soriano, B. & Tarquis, A.M.(2021)Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Temporal Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Arid RangelandsPapersJCR
- Martín-Sotoca, J.J., A. Saa-Requejo, A., Moratiel, R., Dalezios, N., Faraslis, I. & Tarquis, A.M.(2019)Statistical analysis for satellite index based insurance to define damaged pasture thresholdsPapersJCR
- Maestro, T., Garrido, A. & Bielza, M.(2018)Drought InsuranceBook chapter In Iglesias, A., Assimacopoulos, D. & Van Lanen, H.A. (Eds.). Drought. Science and Policy. Wiley-Blackwell. 147-162.Books / Book chaptersJCR
- Valverde-Arias, O., Garrido, A., Saa-Requejo, A., Carreño, F. & Tarquis, A.M.(2019)Agro-ecological variability effects on an index-based insurance design for extreme eventsPapersJCR
See all news- 6 March 2025Informative articlesFeatured
CEIGRAM’s Newsletter January and February 2025
In this Newsletter we bring together the most recent work of our researchers, published in high-impact journals.
- 4 March 2025NewsFeatured
Robotics and AI, allies in the agriculture of the future
Andrés Almeida, researcher in the LIFE-ACCLIMATE Project, participated in this event to present the Project, to observe the latest advances in robotics and AI applied to agriculture, in particular to...
- 4 March 2025NewsFeatured
Workshop to share PRISMA results with stakeholders in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
From 17 to 19 February, a workshop was held in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to disseminate the results of the PRISMA project, an initiative that aims to develop productive, resilient and...
- 21 February 2025SeminarsFeatured
Potential use of hemp as multifunctional green infrastructure
New Research Seminar with an invited researcher from the Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre. It will take place in March, 03, in CEIGRAM. The seminar can be attended online or in...
- 20 February 2025NewsFeatured
The VID-EXPERT Task Force analyses the final results of the project.
The members of the VID-EXPERT project task force met at the headquarters of the Spanish Wine Federation to review and discuss the results obtained after almost three years of implementation.
- 19 February 2025NewsFeatured
Research and Public Policy: Opportunities for Collaboration with the European Commission
In the event ‘Strategic lines of European funding in climate change’, different ways of collaboration for researchers with the European policies and programs were presented. In addition, we conducted a...