Bioeconomy and Circular Economy
Research Groups

Effects and implications of the production and utilization of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed and bioenergy within a reuse, recycling and waste reduction scheme.
Research Groups
Agricultural Economics and Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Systems Group (Agsystems)
Agroenergy Group (GA-UPM)
Contamination of Agrosystems by Agricultural Practices (COAPA)
Hydroinformatics and Water Management
Research Projects
CONSOLE: CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry.
InternationalTransformative wildlife management to enhance biodiversity protection and ecosystem services provision in shared and protected multi-use landscapes across Europe (TransWILD)
NationalODS13, ODS15Estudio sobre el Sistema de Seguros Agrarios Combinados en la actualidad. Retos y perspectivas de futuro
NationalDesigning InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability (DIVERSify)
InternationalAgricultural Risk Assessment Study in Liberia