Market and Policy Risks
Research Groups

Analysis of appropriate strategies to face risks in agriculture with a special focus on market derivatives and their economic effects and including the design and implementation of support systems for these strategies and especially agricultural insurance.
Research Groups
Research Projects
Política de Aguas en España: Impulsando las funciones ambientales de los recursos hídricos
With companiesApoyo en el diseño de un sistema público-privado de gestión de riesgos agrícolas en Vietnam
NationalThe contribution of water REuse to a resourCe-efficient and sustainabLe wAter manageMent for irrigatiOn (RECLAMO)
NationalInteractive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience (ISQAPER)
InternationalTowards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems (SURE-Farm)