Work with CEIGRAM
Investigador sistemas agrarios para proyecto Horizon Europe RAINS

Our mission is to be a centre of reference that fosters professional development for staff who study and work here, offering a supportive multidiscipline and multicultural environment.

CEIGRAM is established as a reference centre for research and knowledge generation, dedicated to conducting research and developing methodologies that address the growing concern surrounding risk management strategies- whether related to production, markets, or the environment- faced by the agricultural sector.

Among CEIGRAM’s objectives is its commitment to disemmination, knowledge transfer and training in the areas of its research. Additionally, a core value driving its work is the training and development of new generations of researchers.

Currently, various mechanisms and instruments are in place to address to analyze risk management, alongside a wide range of new technologies and tools under development. These advancements require continuous training and updates for professionals in the sector. For this reason, CEIGRAM is committed to organizing and promoting specialized training in risk analysis and the development and evaluation of tools and policies to manage these risks.

Training in Agricultural Insurance

The courses and seminars organized by CEIGRAM, with the support of AGROSEGURO, address the need to launch a new program for the disemmination of Agricultural Insurance and agricultural and environmental risk management. These training activities aim to provide professionals in the field, as well as other interested individuals, access to scientific technological and digital innovations in agronomy. The program emphasizes practical applications to address current agricultural challenges and enhance risk management in agricultural insurance, developed by CEIGRAM.

Throughout 2024, Agroseguro will continue its program to promote knowledge about agricultural insurance, in collaboration with CEIGRAM. Training sessions will be offered, with complete information and registration forms updated as details become available.


Training organized by CEIGRAM and ETSIAAB is open to anyone interested in the subject: inclusing students and professionals from the sector. The goal of these courses is to develop specialists who can meet market demand, with a strong emphasis on practical applications.

Other activities

This section presents the conferences, symposia, and seminars organized by CEIGRAM members. Here, you can access various past activities that provide information on types of training, areas of specialization and levels of technologial advancement. These initiatives align with CEIGRAM’s commitment to training new generations of scientists and technologists, as well as promoting scientific culture in society.

ESCAPADE Erasmus Curricula in Applied Plant Sciences («the Project»)

ESCAPAdE – Erasmus Curricula in Applied Plant Sciences («the Project») under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships (Agreement n° 2018-1-FR01-KA203-048110). (2018-2021). Institut National d’études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro. IP. María Gómez del Campo.

More information

See all activities carried out

Olive Technology and Olive Oil Taisting Training. Qian Xiao. (2017). IP: María Gómez del Campo.

Participación en la “IV Jornada Olivum". Olivum – Associação de Olivicultures do Sul. Portugal. (2017) IP: María Gómez. del Campo

Realización de curso olivar y aceite específico para empresarios y funcionarios de Xiang. VR TRIP. (2017). IP: María Gómez del Campo Participan: Antonio Hueso.

Olive Technology and Olive Oil Taisting Training. Tragsatec. (2017). IP: María Gómez del Campo Participan: Antonio Hueso.

Curso de formación práctica para la delegación argelina. Tragsatec. (2017). IP: María Gómez del Campo Participan: Antonio Hueso.

Innovative Education towards Sustainable Food Systems. It supports cooperation between eight European universities to develop and implement innovative educational materials and methods in the subject of sustainable food systems (SUSPLUS). Comisión Europea 2016-2018 IP: Teresa Briz.

Capacitación integral y asesoramiento para la tecnificación del ri.parcelario en Ecuador. AECID. (2015). IP: José María Sumpsi Participan: Alberto Garrido.

Innovative Education towards the needs of the Organic Sector (EPOS). Comisión Europea 2014-2016 IP: Teresa Briz.

Formación para profesionales y directivos ADIF. ADIF. (2014-2015). IP: Arturo Serrano.

Seminario que contribuya el fortalecimiento de las capacidades técnicas de profesionales dominicanos en el proceso de comercialización de productos de origen agropecuario. Consejo nacional de investigaciones agropecuarias y forestales (CONIAF). (2012). IP: Alberto Garrido.

Proyecto de colaboración con el fin de organización de la Jornada de presentación del número especial EARN Vol 11(1). BC3. (2012). IP: Alberto Garrido.

Organización del Seminario técnico sobre la huella de carbono en el sector agroalimentario español y otros indicadores de sostenibilidad. Oficina Española de Cambio Climático. (2012). IP: Isabel Bardají.

Realización de los seminarios “Difusión de la viticultura y la enología en el mundo universitario” Unión Española de Catadores (2010). Unión Española de Catadores (2010). IP: José Ramón Lissarrague.

Apoyo técnico en las actividades de Formación, Documentación y Promoción del Empleo del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos. Centro Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Centro. (2009) IP: Carlos Rojo.