Next Friday, May 31 will be held in the Aula Magna of the Agronomists Building (ETSIAAB-UPM) the Conference on Sustainable and Efficient Fertilization with Nanoparticles and Organic Sources: Results of the NOXORG and ECOnanoZN Projects, to which we would like to invite you.
In this conference we will present the results of the NOXORG and ECOnanoZN Projects, of the UPM Own Program, funded by the Community of Madrid in the framework of the Multiannual Agreement with the Polytechnic University of Madrid in the line of action to stimulate the research of young doctors.

The NOXORG Project has had the objective of increasing the agronomic and environmental efficiency of organic fertilizers in crops, while improving the systems for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions contributed by this type of fertilizers. The rational use of organic fertilizer sources is essential for improving the physical, chemical and biological quality of soils, as well as contributing to closing cycles and reducing fertilizer costs in the use of livestock by-products.
Guillermo Guardia, Profesor Contratado Doctor de la ETSIAAB, ha desarrollado sus líneas de investigación en agricultura sostenible y mitigación de emisiones de GEI. Ha trabajado en el Grupo de Investigación COAPA en la evaluación del uso de diferentes estrategias de fertilización, prácticas de agricultura de conservación, rotaciones y sistemas de riego.
On the other hand, the ECOnanoZN Project proposes the agronomic study and the estimation of agro-environmental impacts of the use of synthetic Zinc nanofertilizers. Biofortification of edible crops aims to improve the nutritional status of the population by increasing the micronutrient content of staple plant foods. By means of agronomic boifortification through fertilization, it is possible to increase the nutrient content of the plant without affecting the genetic composition of the plant.
Patricia Almendros, Profesora Titular de la ETSIAAB, ha trabajado en diversos Proyectos de Investigación sobre los efectos en los ecosistemas agrícolas de la aplicación de nanopartículas de ZnO, efectos de la fertilización con quelatos de Zn y Cu sobre el crecimiento y calidad alimentaria de diferentes cultivos y su efecto residual en el suelo, o el efecto de la fertilización combinada Zn-N en cereales.
In the Results Presentation Day we will also have leading experts in the field of fertilization, such as Luis Lassaletta and Antonio Vallejo (CEIGRAM-UPM) and Concepción García-Gómez and María Dolores Fernández (INIA-CSIC).
If you are interested in attending, the registration form is as follows: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScukdXcLtwy-A7uuuk14ZIP0BYnIXkZeQhxuHH_DXbOUpkNLw/viewform
The conference will be in face-to-face format in the Aula Magna of the Agronomists Building of the ETSIAAB, but the virtual option is offered for those who cannot attend in person

Date: 31/05/2024
Time: 09:00
Place: Aula Magna Edificio Agrónomos- ETSIAAB