
  • Palacios Orueta, Alicia

    University Professor

    Alicia Palacios Orueta has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid and an MSc. and Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of California at Davis (UC Davis). She is an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid.

    In recent years her research has focused on developing new spectral indices and applying statistical analysis of remote sensing time series in a geographical context.

    She has extensive international experience, with stays in reference centres abroad. She has directed six PhDs and is currently directing 4. She has also directed numerous end of degree projects as well as end of Master projects.

    Department: Departamento de Ingenieria y Gestión Forestal y Ambiental
    Research Group: Grupo de Observación de la Tierra para la Dinámica Cuantitativa de la Biosfera
    School / Faculty: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Montes Forestal y del Medio natural
    Organisation: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    Lines of research: Development of remote sensing methodologies for monitoring the Biosphere

    Phone: +34 910671745

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