
  • Villarroel Robinson, Morris

    University Professor

    Morris Villarroel Robinson, BSc in Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Biology from McGill University (Montreal, Canada). He is an Associate professor at the ESTIAAB-UPM and a specialist in animal welfare in several species, but in particular in fish.

    He has been the President of the Spanish Aquaculture Society (SEA, 2009-2011). He is the Secretary of the Spanish Union of Animal Science Entities (UEECA) and the Spanish Society for the Protection and Welfare of Animals (SEPROBA).

    Department: Producción Agraria
    Research Group: Producción Animal
    School / Faculty: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas
    Organisation: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    Lines of research: Animal welfare, aquaculture, product quality, sustainability

    Phone: 91 06 71095
    Skype: Morris.villarroel

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