Research and Innovation

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Agroecosystems pollution by agricultural practices (COAPA)


  • Determining greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soil.
  • Mitigating nitrogen oxides and ammonia emissions from agricultural soil.
  • Ammonia volatilization from agricultural and livestock systems.
  • Evaluating nanoparticles as fertilizers in cropping systems.
  • Nitrate leaching by agricultural practices and assessment of nitrogen balance.

COAPA Research Group develops technologies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) and ammonia emissions from farming systems based on nitrification and urease inhibitors. It is one of the few research groups in Spain that has provided results about GHG emissions from agricultural soils, evaluating mitigation strategies based on nitrogen and water management. Its research is also focused on using zinc oxide nanoparticles as nano fertiliser on soils with zinc deficit.

Research studies are carried out at experimental farming sites, which reproduce real farming conditions well. In this sense, the Group collaborates with the National Centre of Irrigation Technology (CENTER), which belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the Madrid Institute of Research and Rural, Agricultural and Food Development (IMIDRA). These Research centres have experimental farming sites for developing studies in conditions similar to those of real farming.

These studies are conducted in collaboration with companies from the mineral fertilizer sector (Fertinagro Biotech, Fertiberia, Agrotain, K + S Plus Iberia, Koch Agronomic Services, EuroChem Agro Iberica), which provide financial support for research and innovation studies.


Antonio Vallejo García

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